首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Business Management >Empowering business organizations through information and communication technology (ICT) and e-business

Empowering business organizations through information and communication technology (ICT) and e-business




Over the last decade, business organisations have been forced to re-examine the role of?Information?And Communication Technology?(ICT) as a support tool within the organisation and accept that it has become a major driver for business change. E-business is no longer optional and has become the standard mode of operating not only in financial services, publishing and retail where we have already seen rapid and profitable advancement but everywhere business is conducted. Information communication and technology (ICT?XE "Information technology (IT"?)?refers to a powerful collection of elements which include computer hardware, software, telecommunication networks, workstations, robotics and smart chips. This paper examine how ICT and e-business could be use to empower an organization to achieves their set goals. The paper discusses issues in implementing e-business, ICT and e-business, strategic analysis for e-business solutions and?stages for empowering the organisation through ICT and e-business, and conclusion with discussion of ICT and e-business as essential tools in modern business.



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