首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development >Nutritional evaluation of ficus carica indigenous to Pakistan

Nutritional evaluation of ficus carica indigenous to Pakistan




The nutritional composition of Ficus carica commonly known as fig is of great interest as it is considered a good source of energy and minerals. Seven samples of fig, cultivated in Pakistan were studied for their physico-chemical properties. All samples had little moisture, less amounts of ash and high volatile matters. Low moisture is favorable in preventing the fermentation of the fruit while high volatiles are responsible for its unique taste. The energy content of the samples ranged between 337.60 - 364.70 kcal/100g. The samples were found to be a good source of potassium (3.82-6.11 g/kg), magnesium (0.11-0.20 g/kg), calcium (78.72-132.80 mg/kg) and sodium (5.58-17.69 mg/kg). The mineral and trace contents of the indigenous samples were compared with the samples cultivated in the USA, Turkey and Iran. The samples cultivated in Pakistan were found to have good nutritional values especially higher calorific value and iron content compared to the reported data. The Ca/P ratio in the indigenous variety lies as recommended by nutritionists. This feature made the indigenous variety distinct as the patients suffering from stone formation in kidney may also use it safely. The high potassium in fig is beneficial not only to patients of hypertension but also prevents the bones from rapid thinning by neutralizing the increased urinary calcium loss. Significant correlations were found between iron and potassium, copper and potassium and zinc and copper (p<0.05). The positive correlations are either due to higher uptake of metals by the plant or the excess availability of the metals in the soil. Analysis of means (ANOM) was applied to evaluate the compositional variations between the samples. The study provides an overview of the physico-chemical properties of fig samples indigenous to Pakistan. The results offer useful information not only to consumers who want to buy the best quality fruit, but also to producers interested in increasing the competitiveness of fig cultivation. Key words: Ficus carica , minerals, calorific value, acidity
机译:众所周知的无花果的营养成分备受关注,因为它被认为是能量和矿物质的良好来源。研究了在巴基斯坦种植的七个无花果样品的理化特性。所有样品的水分少,灰分少,挥发性高。低水分有利于防止水果发酵,而高挥发分则是其独特的味道。样品的能量含量在337.60-364.70 kcal / 100g之间。发现样品是钾(3.82-6.11 g / kg),镁(0.11-0.20 g / kg),钙(78.72-132.80 mg / kg)和钠(5.58-17.69 mg / kg)的良好来源。将本地样品的矿物质和痕量含量与在美国,土耳其和伊朗种植的样品进行了比较。与报告的数据相比,发现在巴基斯坦种植的样品具有良好的营养价值,尤其是较高的热值和铁含量。营养学家建议,本地品种中的Ca / P比值应处于适当的水平。此功能使本地品种与众不同,因为患有肾结石的患者也可以安全使用它。无花果中的高钾不仅有益于高血压患者,而且通过中和增加的尿钙流失,可防止骨骼快速变薄。在铁与钾,铜与钾与锌与铜之间发现显着相关性(p <0.05)。正相关关系要么是由于植物对金属的吸收更高,要么是由于土壤中金属的过量利用。应用均值分析(ANOM)评估样品之间的成分变化。该研究概述了巴基斯坦本土无花果样品的理化特性。结果不仅为想要购买最优质水果的消费者提供了有用的信息,而且为有兴趣提高无花果种植竞争力的生产者提供了有用的信息。关键词:无花果矿物质热值酸度



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