首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Gender analysis of land use for urban agriculture and sustainability of livelihoods in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Gender analysis of land use for urban agriculture and sustainability of livelihoods in Freetown, Sierra Leone




This paper examined the gender analysis of land use for urban agriculture and sustainability of Livelihoods in Freetown, Sierra Leone. This is predicated on the fact that despite the stated contribution of urban agriculture (UA) to household food security, employment generation and poverty reduction, it has not received due recognition and policy support. The study was carried out in Freetown, Sierra Leone using a cluster sampling approach. From a list of 20 clusters, 6 were randomly selected and 10% of members in each cluster selected randomly (nmale = 30; nfemale = 61; n = 91) were interviewed.? A survey research design was adopted in this study and the respondents for the study were stratified in terms of gender and UA enterprises. ??The majority of producers were female with the gross margin on male and female managed farms were 15130 and 23895 Leones per farm/ season respectively. ?Also, female managed farm had a higher return than male managed farms. Significant determinants of contribution of the UA income to household income are household size (t = -5.13), access to credit (t = 4.09), membership of farmers’ association (t = 4.23), gender (t = -2.40), age (t = 1.78) and farm size (t = -4.97). As household size and the number of male producers increases, income from UA decreases.
机译:本文研究了塞拉利昂弗里敦城市农业土地利用和生计可持续性的性别分析。这是基于这样一个事实,即尽管城市农业对家庭粮食安全,创造就业机会和减少贫困​​做出了明确的贡献,但并未得到应有的承认和政策支持。这项研究是使用整群抽样方法在塞拉利昂弗里敦进行的。从20个集群的列表中,随机选择了6个集群,并随机访问了每个集群中10%的成员(nmale = 30; nfemale = 61; n = 91)。本研究采用了一项调查研究设计,该研究的受访者按性别和UA企业分类。大多数生产者是女性,男性和女性管理农场的毛利率分别为每个农场/季节15130和23895利昂。此外,女性管理的农场比男性管理的农场收益更高。 UA收入对家庭收入的贡献的重要决定因素是家庭人数(t = -5.13),获得信贷的机会(t = 4.09),农民协会成员(t =​​ 4.23),性别(t = -2.40),年龄(t = 1.78)和农场规模(t = -4.97)。随着家庭规模的扩大和男性生产者数量的增加,UA的收入减少。



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