首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Influence of bulk transportation, storage and milking system on the quality of refrigerated milk

Influence of bulk transportation, storage and milking system on the quality of refrigerated milk




Dairy farmers strive to meet industry quality standards, the industry focuses on the quality of the raw material for higher yield and quality of dairy product. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of bulk transportation, storage and milking system on the quality of refrigerated milk. Overall, 548 samples of refrigerated milk were collected, 312 from bulk tanks (individual and collective) and (manual and mechanical milking), 143 from tank cars and 93 from industrial silos. Mean values ??of proximate composition, somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC), ?were compared in relation to different milking systems (manual and mechanical), type of producer (individual and collective) for these comparisons and for physicochemical analyses, total bacterial count and somatic cell count in different collections, the Tukey test at 5% significance level was used. It was observed that 40% of milk samples from bulk tanks, 69.93% of samples from tank cars and 62.36% of samples from industrial silos had SCC over 500,000 SC / ml. There was an increase of TBC from the bulk collection of milk on the farm up to the arrival of milk in the processing industry. Refrigerated milk stored in individual or collective bulk tanks obtained by manual or mechanical milking had to be adjusted to standards required by Normative Instruction number 62 of December 2011. Education and training measures such as hygienic milk collection, cleaning of milking equipment, proper implementation of mastitis control programs and refrigeration of the post-milking raw material must be adopted aiming at improving the quality of refrigerated milk.
机译:奶农努力达到行业质量标准,该行业专注于原材料的质量,以提高乳制品的产量和质量。这项研究的目的是评估散装运输,储存和挤奶系统对冷藏牛奶质量的影响。总共收集了548份冷藏牛奶样品,从散装储罐(个人和集体)和(手动和机械挤奶)中收集了312个,从储罐车中收集了143个,工业筒仓中收集了93个。对于这些比较和比较,比较了相对于不同挤奶系统(手动和机械),生产者类型(个体和集体)的最接近成分,体细胞计数(SCC)和细菌总数(TBC)的平均值进行理化分析,不同菌种的总细菌数和体细胞数,采用显着性水平为5%的Tukey检验。观察到,来自散装储罐的40%的牛奶样品,来自储罐车的69.93%的样品和来自工业筒仓的62.36%的SCC均超过500,000 SC / ml。从农场牛奶的大批量收集到加工业中牛奶的到来,TBC都有所增加。通过手动或机械挤奶获得的存储在单个或集体散装储罐中的冷藏牛奶必须调整为2011年12月第62号规范指示所要求的标准。教育和培训措施,例如,收集卫生的牛奶,清洁挤奶设备,正确实施乳腺炎为了提高冷藏乳的质量,必须采用控制程序和对后期乳原料进行冷藏。


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