首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Rainfed rice response to fertilizer in the Sudan Savanna of West Africa

Rainfed rice response to fertilizer in the Sudan Savanna of West Africa




In West Africa, rice (Oryza sativa L. and Oryza glaberrimaI Steud) production is not meeting current demand. Low yields are attributed to diverse biotic and abiotic constraints including nutrient deficiencies, inadequate agronomic practices, and socio-economic constraints. This study quantified yield and profit responses of rainfed rice produced in the Sudan Savanna of Burkina Faso and Mali to fertilizer N, P, K, and Mg-S-Zn-B treatment. The mean yields were 2.2 and 2.4 Mg ha-1 for upland rice in Finkolo and for lowland rice in Longorola in Mali, respectively, and 1.5 and 2.2 Mg ha-1 for upland rice at Boni and Karaba in Burkina Faso. Lowland rice grain yield was not affected by nutrient application at Longorola. The grain yield increases with 30 and 60 kg ha-1 N were, respectively, 0.30 and 0.48 Mg ha-1 at Karaba, 0.21 and 0.34 Mg ha-1 at Boni, and 0.32 and 0.41 Mg ha-1 at Finkolo indicating similarity in response. Grain yield response to P was observed only at Karaba. If fertilizer were applied at 50% rather than 100% of the economically optimum rate, as might be the case for financially constrained farmers, the mean yield increase was 36% less but agronomic efficiency was 23% higher and the profit cost ratio was 66% higher. There was no response to K or to Mg-S-Zn-B. The results, therefore, indicate high potential for profitable response of rainfed upland rice production for Sudan Savanna to fertilizer N but little potential for other fertilizer nutrients. These results should, however, be considered together with other field research results in making fertilizer use decisions.
机译:在西非,稻米(Oryza sativa L.和Oryza glaberrimaI Steud)的产量无法满足当前需求。低产归因于多种生物和非生物限制因素,包括营养缺乏,农艺措施不当以及社会经济限制。这项研究量化了在布基纳法索和马里的苏丹大草原上生产的雨养水稻对肥料N,P,K和Mg-S-Zn-B处理的产量和利润响应。在马里,Finkolo的旱稻和朗戈罗拉的低陆稻的平均产量分别为2.2和2.4 Mg ha-1,在布基纳法索的Boni和Karaba,旱稻的平均产量分别为1.5和2.2 Mg ha-1。朗格罗拉的低地水稻籽粒产量不受养分施用的影响。在30和60 kg ha-1 N下,籽粒单产增加,卡拉巴分别为0.30和0.48 Mg ha-1,博尼岛分别为0.21和0.34 Mg ha-1,芬科洛分别为0.32和0.41 Mg ha-1,表明相似。响应。仅在卡拉巴地区观察到对磷的产量响应。如果以经济最佳比例的50%而不是100%的价格施用化肥(经济拮据的农民可能就是这种情况),则平均增产减少36%,但农艺效率提高23%,利润成本比为66%更高。对钾或Mg-S-Zn-B无反应。因此,结果表明苏丹稀树草原雨养旱稻生产对氮肥的盈利潜力很大,而对其他肥料养分的潜力很小。但是,在决定使用肥料时,应将这些结果与其他现场研究结果一起考虑。



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