首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Astronomy >Possibility of Detection of Exomoons with Inclined Orbits Orbiting Pulsar Planets Using the Time-of-Arrival Analysis

Possibility of Detection of Exomoons with Inclined Orbits Orbiting Pulsar Planets Using the Time-of-Arrival Analysis




The perturbation caused by planet-moon binarity on the time-of-arrival (TOA) signal of a pulsar with an orbiting planet is derived for the case of the orbit of the planet-moon system inclined of an angleαwith respect to the plane of the orbit of the planet-moon barycenter around the pulsar. We also consider both the orbits of the moon and the planet-moon barycenter as circular. The signal consists of three sinusoids with frequency, respectively, of(2np−3nb),(2np−nb), and(2np−3nb), wherenpandnbare, respectively, the mean motions of the planet and moon around their barycenter and the planet-moon system around the host, respectively. The amplitude of the signal is equal to the fractionsin⁡I[9(Mp/Mm)/16(Mp+Mm)2][r/R]5(5 sin⁡2α/3−2sin⁡α/3−2 cos⁡2α/9)of the system crossing timeR/c, whereMpandMmare, respectively, the mass of the planet and the mass of the moon,ris their orbital separation,Ris the distance between the host pulsar and planet-moon barycenter,Iis the inclination of the orbitalplane of the planet, andcis the speed of light.
机译:对于行星-月球系统相对于卫星平面的倾斜角度为α的情况,推导了行星-月球二元性对具有轨道行星的脉冲星的到达时间(TOA)信号造成的扰动。围绕月球的行星月亮重心的轨道。我们还将月球轨道和行星月球重心视为圆形。信号由三个频率分别为(2np-3nb),(2np-nb)和(2np-3nb)的正弦曲线组成,其中n分别表示行星和月球绕其重心和主机周围的月球系统。信号的幅度等于分数⁡I[9(Mp / Mm)/ 16(Mp + Mm)2] [r / R] 5(5sin⁡2α/3-2sin⁡α/ 3-2 cos系统穿越时间R / c的⁡2α/ 9),其中MpandMm分别是行星质量和月球质量的轨道间隔,Ris是主脉冲星与行星月球重心之间的距离,即倾角行星轨道平面的角度,决定光速。



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