首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Rehabilitation >Impact of local cryogymnastic on functional efficiency, quality of life and pain perception among patients with gonarthrosis

Impact of local cryogymnastic on functional efficiency, quality of life and pain perception among patients with gonarthrosis




Introduction: Gonarthrosis is the most common disease of peripheral joints. Among population of developing countries, it concerns about 70% of people over 65 year of age. Because its chronic, progressive and irreversible nature it is one of the most common cause of work incapacity. It is also a common cause of disability in people in six decade of life.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cryogymnastic on quality of life and functional efficiency of patients with knee osteoarthritis.Material and methods: The study consisted of group of 50 people diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis). Patients were tested twice. First examination was conducted before the start of therapy, a second examination was conducted after 10 treatments cryotherapy. To evaluate the results of cryogymnastic we used goniometric measurement, WOMAC questionnaire and functional test Up & Go.Results: We found that applied local cryotherapy and exercise in studied group had been effective in increasing joint range of motion, improving quality of life and patients’ functional efficiency. Conclusions:1. Our treatment for patients with knee arthritis after local cryotherapy and exercises improved significantly joint range of motion, quality of life and functional efficiency. 2. Local cryotherapy is a safe procedure and well tolerated by patients with knee osteoarthritis.
机译:简介:淋病是周围关节最常见的疾病。在发展中国家的人口中,它涉及约70%的65岁以上的人口。由于它具有长期性,进步性和不可逆性,因此是导致工作丧失能力的最常见原因之一。它也是导致人们六十年寿命中残疾的常见原因。目的:本研究的目的是评估冷冻体操对膝盖骨关节炎患者的生活质量和功能效率的影响。 50位被诊断患有膝盖骨关节炎(性关节炎)的人群中。患者接受了两次检查。第一次检查是在治疗开始前进行的,第二次检查是在10次冷冻治疗后进行的。结果:我们发现在研究组中应用局部冷冻疗法和运动能有效地增加关节活动范围,改善生活质量和改善患者的体能。功能效率。结论:1。在局部冷冻治疗和运动后,我们对膝关节炎患者的治疗显着改善了关节的活动范围,生活质量和功能效率。 2.局部冷冻疗法是一种安全的方法,膝盖骨关节炎患者可以很好地耐受。



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