首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Interventional Cardiology: Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej >Isolated carotid artery fibromuscular dysplasia unifocal type diagnosed in the postpartum period

Isolated carotid artery fibromuscular dysplasia unifocal type diagnosed in the postpartum period




Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an idiopathic noninflammatory and nonarteriosclerotic segmental disorder of almost every arterial bed, leading to arterial sclerosis, occlusion, aneurysm, or dissection. It occurs most frequently in renal (80%), extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries (25–30%). Isolated intracranial FMD develops in 8.3% of patients. Carotid artery FMD is typically located bilaterally, in the middle and distal parts of the carotid artery [1, 2]. There are two characteristic angiographic types of FMD: multifocal with a?typical string-of-beads appearance; and unifocal, characterized by stenosis [1]. Patients with carotid or vertebral artery FMD present with numerous nonspecific symptoms. However, specific neurological signs, such as transient ischemic attack, Horner syndrome, cranial nerve palsies, cerebral infarction, amaurosis fugax, and subarachnoid hemorrhage, may also be observed [3]. A?39-year-old woman with Graves disease, after radioisotope therapy, and suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, was admitted to the hospital due to paraparesis reported on the third day postpartum. Two years earlier she suddenly developed transient right Horner syndrome, alteration in the bitter taste (a?symptom of dysgeusia), and right mandible and ear pain. Duplex ultrasound (DUS) performed 10 days after the neurological episode revealed occlusion of the right internal carotid artery (RICA) with very limited blood flow, similarly to computed tomography angiography (CT angiography). No tear or blood accumulation was revealed. At the beginning of her third pregnancy, she experienced periodic episodes of paresthesia of her right upper and lower extremities. Approximately during the 18th week of pregnancy, the symptoms of paresthesia in her left leg and arm became more pronounced. Finally, due to the loss of sensation on the left side of her body and proprioception, a?caesarean section was performed in the 30th week of pregnancy. An unexpected increase in blood pressure (200/110 mm Hg) following the administration of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors was observed. During hospitalization, all neurological symptoms gradually resolved. Another DUS examination showed a?narrow RICA with an irregular lumen. No other changes constricting the lumen were detected. Computed tomography angiography revealed patent (1–2 mm) tortuous course of the right extracranial carotid artery (Figures 1 A, B), patent (1–1.8 mm) intracranial...
机译:纤维肌发育异常(FMD)是几乎每个动脉床的特发性非炎性和非动脉硬化性节段性疾病,导致动脉硬化,阻塞,动脉瘤或解剖。它最常发生在肾脏(80%),颅外颈动脉和椎动脉(25-30%)中。 8.3%的患者发生孤立的颅内FMD。颈动脉FMD通常位于双侧,位于颈动脉的中部和远端[1,2]。 FMD有两种典型的血管造影类型:具有典型的串珠状外观的多焦点;且单灶,特点是狭窄[1]。颈动脉或椎动脉FMD患者表现出许多非特异性症状。但是,也可能观察到特定的神经系统症状,例如短暂性脑缺血发作,霍纳综合征,颅神经麻痹,脑梗死,黑桃病和蛛网膜下腔出血[3]。一名39岁的Graves病妇女在接受放射性同位素治疗后患有多囊卵巢综合征,由于产后第三天出现轻瘫而入院。两年前,她突然发展出暂时性的右Horner综合征,苦味改变(消化不良的症状)以及右下颌骨和耳痛。神经病情发作后第10天进行双工超声(DUS),显示右颈内动脉(RICA)阻塞,血流非常有限,类似于计算机断层扫描血管造影(CT血管造影)。没有发现眼泪或血液积聚。在第三次怀孕开始时,她经历了右上肢和下肢的周期性感觉异常。大约在怀孕的第18周,左腿和手臂的感觉异常症状更加明显。最后,由于身体左侧的感觉丧失和本体感受,在怀孕的第30周进行了剖腹产。观察到服用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂后血压意外升高(200/110 mm Hg)。住院期间,所有神经系统症状逐渐消失。另一个DUS检查显示狭窄的RICA,管腔不规则。没有检测到其他改变管腔的变化。计算机体层摄影血管造影显示,右颅外颈动脉弯曲(1-2 mm)的过程(图1 A,B),颅内弯曲(1-1.8 mm)...



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