首页> 外文期刊>Compositio mathematica >Existence and non-uniqueness of constant scalar curvature toric Sasaki metrics

Existence and non-uniqueness of constant scalar curvature toric Sasaki metrics




AbstractWe study compatible toric Sasaki metrics with constant scalar curvature on co-oriented compact toric contact manifolds of Reeb type of dimension at least five. These metrics come in rays of transversal homothety due to the possible rescaling of the Reeb vector fields. We prove that there exist Reeb vector fields for which the transversal Futaki invariant (restricted to the Lie algebra of the torus) vanishes. Using an existence result of E.?Legendre [Toric geometry of convex quadrilaterals, J.?Symplectic Geom. 9 (2011), 343–385], we show that a co-oriented compact toric contact 5-manifold whose moment cone has four facets admits a finite number of rays of transversal homothetic compatible toric Sasaki metrics with constant scalar curvature. We point out a family of well-known toric contact structures on S2×S3 admitting two non-isometric and non-transversally homothetic compatible toric Sasaki metrics with constant scalar curvature.
机译:摘要:我们研究了Reeb型尺寸的同向紧凑型复曲面复曲面接触歧管上具有恒定标量曲率的相容复曲面Sasaki度量,其尺度至少为5。由于Reeb矢量场可能会重新缩放,因此这些度量采用横向相似性射线。我们证明存在Reeb向量场,其横向Futaki不变量(限于环面的Lie代数)消失。利用E.?Legendre [凸四边形的复曲面几何,J.Symmpicic Geom。 9(2011),343–385],我们证明了一个同向的紧凑复曲面接触5流形,其矩锥具有四个小平面,可接纳有限数量的具有恒定标量曲率的横向同构兼容复曲面复曲面Sasaki度量。我们指出了在S2×S3上的一系列众所周知的复曲面接触结构,它们接受了两个具有恒定标量曲率的非等距且非横向相似的相容复曲面Sasaki度量。



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