首页> 外文期刊>Advances in decision sciences >Characteristics of Effective Collaboration in Response to Diversified Transportation Planning Authority

Characteristics of Effective Collaboration in Response to Diversified Transportation Planning Authority




Advantages of decentralized transportation planning responsibilities may include reduced project delivery cost, the integration of comprehensive long-range planning with regional land use, and greater accountability regarding local concerns. Yet disadvantages may include a tendency for operations to dominate longer-term planning, inconsistent operational standards, and difficulty in achieving network benefits, since some transportation links may provide benefits to the entire system but not to the immediate area where the link is located. To surmount these challenges in a decentralized environment, agencies need to cooperate effectively. Characteristics of effective collaboration include (1) experienced personnel, (2) credibility of the deciding entity, (3) transparency of decision-making processes, (4) an authority with sufficient power and/or funding to encourage implementation of key initiatives, (5) clear incentives for cooperation, and, of special importance given limited resources, and (6) an ability to evaluate tradeoffs. An access management case study demonstrates how agencies may use these characteristics to advance challenging projects in a decentralized environment.
机译:分散运输计划责任的优势可能包括降低项目交付成本,将全面的长期计划与区域土地使用相结合以及对当地问题的更大责任。然而,不利之处可能包括:运营倾向于主导长期计划,不一致的运营标准以及难以获得网络收益,因为某些运输链路可能会为整个系统带来收益,而不是链路所在的直接区域。为了在分散的环境中克服这些挑战,各机构需要有效合作。有效合作的特征包括(1)经验丰富的人员,(2)决策实体的信誉,(3)决策过程的透明度,(4)具有足够权力和/或资金来鼓励实施关键举措的权力,( 5)明确鼓励合作的动机,在资源有限的情况下尤其重要;(6)评估权衡的能力。一个访问管理案例研究说明了机构如何在分散的环境中利用这些特性来推进具有挑战性的项目。



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