首页> 外文期刊>Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences >Impact of Brazilian fish species at early developmental stages on plankton communities and water chemical parameters

Impact of Brazilian fish species at early developmental stages on plankton communities and water chemical parameters




Effect of larvae of Astyanax altiparanae (AA), Piaractus mesopotamicus (PM), Leporinus obtusidens (LO) and Prochilodus lineatus (PL) on plankton communities and wa ter quality were evaluated. Twenty 500 L tanks were used into a completely randomized de sign with five treatments and four replications, containing 350 individuals of each species per tank. One treatment cont rol had no larvae (CT). Every six days, were collected periphyton an d water to determine the concentr ations of chlorophyll and total phosphorus. Plankton samples (20 μ m mesh net) were taken every thr ee days. Fish affected plankton communities, which showed lower densities of total zooplankton in AA tanks than in LO tanks. Increased density of rotifers and reduced density of copepods were found in AA, PM and PL tanks in relation to the CT. Higher density of testate amoebae was observed in AA, PM and LO tanks. As to biovolume, higher values for total plankton were registered in the CT and LO tanks compared with AA, PM and PL tanks; higher values for rotifers were obse rved in PL tanks than in the CT. Copepod biovolume was higher in CT and LO tanks. Biovolume of cladoceran and testate amoebae were not affected. Plankton ?s chlorophyll concentration was higher in tanks wi th fish. Higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen were found in AA and PM tanks. It can be concluded that juveniles of these fish species differently affect the plankton community and chemical parameters of the water.
机译:评估了Astyanax altiparanae(AA),Piaractus mesopotamicus(PM),obporidus obtusidens(LO)和Prochilodus lineatus(PL)幼虫对浮游生物群落和水质的影响。将20 500 L储罐用于完全随机设计,进行五次处理和四次重复,每个储罐包含350个不同物种的个体。一种治疗方法没有幼虫(CT)。每六天收集一次浮游植物和水,以确定叶绿素和总磷的浓度。每三天采集一次浮游生物样品(20微米网眼)。鱼类对浮游生物的影响很大,在AA池中浮游动物的总密度低于LO池。相对于CT,在AA,PM和PL储罐中发现轮虫的密度增加,而pe足类的密度降低。在AA,PM和LO储罐中观察到较高的睾丸变形虫密度。关于生物量,与AA,PM和PL储罐相比,CT和LO储罐的浮游生物总量更高。在PL储罐中观察到的轮虫值高于CT。 pe足类的生物量在CT和LO储罐中较高。锁骨和睾丸变形虫的生物量不受影响。鱼缸中浮游生物的叶绿素浓度较高。在AA和PM储罐中发现了更高浓度的溶解氧。可以得出结论,这些鱼类的幼鱼对浮游生物的群落和水的化学参数有不同的影响。



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