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Training the next generation of disaster risk managers through sustainability research and teaching




Disaster risk management is an integral part of sustainability,?and curricula that?are?focused on sustainability can be broadened to include disaster risk management.?The David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise at Concordia University researches and teaches disaster risk management through involvement in a collaborative project with?the?United Nations’?Future Earth?network?to?develop?a Sustainable Financial and Economic System Knowledge-to-Action Network (SFES-KAN).?The definition of ‘sustainable’?in this context?includes disaster risk management.?The SFES-KAN aims to align the current financial system with?the UN’s?sustainable development goals by identifying research gaps and facilitating?interdisciplinary?research?between academics, practitioners,?and?policymakers to fill those gaps. Our research on such topics as risk management and sustainable investing?for the SFES-KAN?project?has translated into research on disaster risk management and has led to curriculum?development on these topics.?The goal of our paper is to provide other institutions with examples?and strategic information?on how to translate such interdisciplinary and solution-oriented sustainability research into research and curricula on disaster risk management.
机译:灾难风险管理是可持续性的组成部分,并且可以将针对可持续性的课程扩展到包括灾难风险管理。康科迪亚大学戴维·奥布莱恩可持续企业中心通过参与研究和教授灾难风险管理在与联合国“未来地球”网络的合作项目中,以发展可持续的金融和经济系统知识-行动网络(SFES-KAN)。在此背景下,“可持续”的定义SFES-KAN旨在通过确定研究差距并促进学者,从业者和政策制定者之间的跨学科研究来填补联合国的可持续发展目标,从而使当前金融体系与联合国的可持续发展目标保持一致。 。我们对SFES-KAN项目的风险管理和可持续投资等主题的研究已转化为灾难风险管理研究,并导致了针对这些主题的课程开发。本文的目的是为其他机构提供帮助通过实例和战略信息,了解如何将这种跨学科的,面向解决方案的可持续性研究转化为灾害风险管理的研究和课程。



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