首页> 外文期刊>Acta medica Okayama >Detection of Torque Teno Virus DNA in Exhaled Breath by Polymerase Chain Reaction

Detection of Torque Teno Virus DNA in Exhaled Breath by Polymerase Chain Reaction




To determine whether exhaled breath contains Torque teno virus (TTV) or not, we tested exhaled breath condensate (EBC) samples by semi-nested PCR assay. We detected TTV DNA in 35% (7/20) of EBC samples collected from the mouth of one of the authors, demonstrating that TTV DNA is excreted in exhaled breath with moderate frequency. TTV DNA was detected also in oral EBC samples from 4 of 6 other authors, indicating that TTV DNA excretion in exhaled breath is not an exception but rather a common phenomenon. Furthermore, the same assay could amplify TTV DNA from room air condensate (RAC) samples collected at distances of 20 and 40cm from a human face with 40 (8/20) and 35% (7/20) positive rates, respectively. TTV transmission has been reported to occur during infancy. These distances seem equivalent to that between an infant and its household members while caring for the infant. Taken together, it seems that exhaled breath is one of the possible transmission routes of TTV. We also detected TTV DNA in 25% (10/40) of RAC samples collected at a distance of more than 180cm from any human face, suggesting the risk of airborne infection with TTV in a room.
机译:为了确定呼出气中是否含有Tenque Teno病毒(TTV),我们通过半巢式PCR分析测试了呼出气冷凝物(EBC)样品。我们从一位作者的口腔中收集了35%(7/20)的EBC样品中检测到TTV DNA,这表明TTV DNA以中等频率在呼出气中排出。在其他6位作者中的4位作者的口服EBC样品中也检测到TTV DNA,这表明呼气中TTV DNA排泄不是一个例外,而是一种普遍现象。此外,相同的检测方法可以从距人脸20和40厘米处采集的室内空气冷凝物(RAC)样品中扩增TTV DNA,分别有40(8/20)和35%(7/20)的阳性率。据报道,TTV传播是在婴儿期发生的。这些距离似乎与照料婴儿时与其婴儿家庭成员之间的距离相等。两者合计,似乎呼气是TTV可能的传播途径之一。我们还检测到25%(10/40)的RAC样品中的TTV DNA,这些RAC样品距任何人脸的距离都超过180厘米,这表明在房间中存在TTV的空气传播感染风险。



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