首页> 外文期刊>Acta Geologica Slovaca >Príspevok k?analyze ?asovych radov objemovej aktivity radónu v?p?dnom vzduchu

Príspevok k?analyze ?asovych radov objemovej aktivity radónu v?p?dnom vzduchu




The article is devoted to evaluation of dependence between measured values of 222Rn and 220Rn volume activity in soil air and some?meteorological parameters (temperature and humidity of atmospheric air) in two annual cycles from 3.2.2000 to 30.10.2001. The year around evaluation of observed dependencies by means of linear regression is supplied by more detailed visual correlation of time courses of soil 222Rn and 220Rn volume activity and time courses of atmospheric temperature and humidity in the form of their polynomial fits. The correlation shows time lag of approximately 2–3 months between soil 222Rn and 220Rn volume activity curves and atmospheric temperature curve as result of complex interactions between both environments. A?tight dependence between radon content in pore space of soil cover and meteorological parameters of atmospheric environment in dependence on weather changes in a?year cycle was documented.



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