首页> 外文期刊>Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica: the scientific journal for phytotechnics and zootechnics >Comparison of genetic diversity in dual-purpose and beef Pinzgau populations

Comparison of genetic diversity in dual-purpose and beef Pinzgau populations




The aim of the study was to evaluate the genetic diversity in Slovak dual-purpose (dairy) and beef Pinzgau cattle. Reference population consisted of 3425 living cows (of those 2501 dairy and 924 suckler cows) involved in animal recording. The average number of fully generations traced was 0.99 and 1.17 in dairy and suckler cows, respectively and the average complete generations equivalent was 2.78 in dairy population and 3.19 in beef population. Inbreeding coefficient was computed from three, five, seven and ten generations traced. The results of inbreeding analysis show increasing trend of inbreeding coefficient with increasing number of generations traced taken into account. The average inbreeding coefficient F 5 was 0.3599% and 0.1112% in dairy and beef reference populations, respectively. The difference between inbreeding coefficient F 3 and F 10 was 0.0778% in dairy cows and 0.0537% in suckler cows. The difference between F 7 and F 10 values was minimal. Overall, inbreeding level in dairy population was higher than in beef population. The average increase in inbreeding was 0.2070% in dairy and 0.0402% in beef population. The effective number of founders, effective number of ancestors and effective number of founder genomes was 210; 82 and 63.49 in dairy population, respectively and 293; 95 and 60.62 in beef population, respectively. These results point out bottleneck effect occurance in given populations. Further population reduction can lead to serious inbreeding problems. Regular monitoring of genetic diversity including inbreeding trends is necessary to use this information in population management.
机译:该研究的目的是评估斯洛伐克两用牛(奶牛)和Pinzgau牛肉的遗传多样性。参考人口包括3425只活牛(其中有2501头奶牛和924头奶牛),涉及动物记录。奶牛和乳牛的平均全世代数分别为0.99和1.17,奶牛种群中的平均完整世代数分别为2.78和3.19。近交系数是从追踪的三,五,七和十代计算得出的。近交分析结果表明,随着所追踪的世代数的增加,近交系数呈增加趋势。乳品和牛肉参考人群的平均近交系数F 5分别为0.3599%和0.1112%。奶牛的近交系数F 3和F 10之差为0.0778%,奶牛为0.0537%。 F 7和F 10值之间的差异很小。总体而言,奶牛种群的近亲繁殖水平高于牛肉种群。奶业近亲繁殖的平均增长为0.2070%,牛肉种群近亲繁殖的平均增长为0.0402%。建立者的有效数目,祖先的有效数目和建立者基因组的有效数目为210;乳业人口分别为82和63.49,乳业人口为293;牛肉人口分别为95和60.62。这些结果指出了在给定人群中瓶颈效应的发生。进一步减少人口数量会导致严重的近亲繁殖问题。定期监测遗传多样性,包括近亲繁殖趋势,对于在人口管理中使用此信息是必要的。



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