首页> 外文期刊>Acta geologica Polonica >Facies and integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Gro?berg Formation south of Regensburg (Bavaria, southern Germany)

Facies and integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Gro?berg Formation south of Regensburg (Bavaria, southern Germany)




The Upper Turonian Gro?berg Formation of the Regensburg area (Danubian Cretaceous Group, Bavaria, southern Germany)?has a mean thickness of 20–25 m and consists of sandy bioclastic calcarenites and calcareous sandstones which?are rich in bryozoans, serpulids and bivalves (oysters, rudists, inoceramids). Eight facies types have been recognized?that characterize deposition on a southward dipping homoclinal ramp: the inner ramp sub-environment was characterized?by high-energy sandwave deposits (sandy bioclastic rud- and grainstones, bioclastic sandstones) with sheltered?inter-shoal areas. In mid-ramp settings, bioturbated, glauconitic, calcareous sand- and siltstones as well as bioturbated,?bioclastic wacke- and packstones predominate. The carbonate grain association of the Gro?berg Formation describes?a temperate bryomol facies with indicators of warm-water influences. An inferred surplus of land-derived nutrients?resulted in eutrophic conditions and favoured the heterozoan communities of the Gro?berg Ramp. Carbon stable isotope?geochemistry cannot significantly contribute to the stratigraphic calibration of the Gro?berg Formation due to the?depleted and trendless bulk-rock δ~(13)C values, probably resulting from a shallow-water aquafacies with depleted δ~(13)C?DIC?values and low δ~(13)C values of syndepositional and early diagenetic carbonate phases. However, strongly enriched skeletal?calcite δ~(13)C values support a correlation of the Gro?berg Formation with the mid-Late Turonian positive Hitch Wood?isotope event ( Hyphantoceras Event of northern Germany). This interpretation is supported by biostratigraphic data?and a range from the Mytiloides striatoconcentricus Zone into the lower My. scupini Zone is indicated by inoceramid?bivalves. Both the base and top of the Gro?berg Formation are characterized by unconformities. Sequence boundary?SB Tu 4 at the base is a major regional erosion surface (erosional truncation of the underlying Kagerh?h Formation?in the Regensburg area, fluvial incision at the base of the Seugast Member of the Roding Formation in the Bodenw?hr?area towards the north and northeast). It is suggested that this unconformity corresponds to a major sea-level drop recognized?in many other Cretaceous basins below the Hitch Wood or Hyphantoceras Event. The transgression and highstand?of the Gro?berg Formation is concomitant to the deposition of the fluvial Seugast Member and the onlap of the?marginal-marine “Veldensteiner Sandstein” onto the Fr?nkische Alb. The unconformity at the top of the Gro?berg Formation?(late Late Turonian SB Tu 5) is indicated by a ferruginous firm-/ hardground and an underlying zone of strongly?depleted δ~(13)C values. The abrupt superposition by deeper marine marls of the lower Hellkofen Formation (uppermost?Turonian–Lower Coniacian) may be connected with inversion tectonics at the southwestern margin of the Bohemian?Massif.
机译:雷根斯堡地区(德国南部的巴伐利亚,达努比亚白垩纪组)的上土隆格罗贝格组平均厚度为20-25 m,由砂质生物碎屑钙钙质岩和钙质砂岩组成,富含岩藻土,蛇绿藻和双壳类。 (牡蛎,野菜,in虫)。已经识别出八种相类型,这些特征是向南倾斜的单斜斜坡上的沉积特征:内部斜坡子环境的特征是高能砂波沉积物(桑迪生物碎屑岩和粒状砂岩,生物碎屑砂岩),并带有被掩蔽的“浅滩”区域。 。在中匝道环境中,以生物扰动的,钙青灰质的,钙质的砂岩和粉砂岩以及生物扰动的,生物碎屑的瓦克岩和pack石为主。格罗贝格组的碳酸盐岩相描述了温带的苔藓酚相,并伴有温水影响的迹象。推断出的土地养分过剩导致富营养化,并有利于格罗贝格斜坡的杂种动物群落。碳稳定同位素地球化学由于缺乏和无趋势的块状岩石δ〜(13)C值而无法对Groberg地层的标定做出重大贡献,这可能是由于δ〜(13)的浅水水相造成的。沉积和早成岩的碳酸盐相的C?DIC?值和低δ〜(13)C值。然而,高度富集的骨架方解石δ〜(13)C值支持了格罗贝格组与土伦后期中部的阳性希区伍德同位素事件(德国北部的Hyphantoceras事件)的相关性。这种解释得到了生物地层学数据的支持,范围从Mytiloides striatoconcentricus带到My下部。 scupini区由ococamid?bivalves指示。格罗贝格组的底部和顶部均以不整合为特征。底部的层序边界SB Tu 4是一个主要的区域侵蚀面(雷根斯堡地区下的Kagerhh组的侵蚀截断,在Bodenw?hr的Roding组的Seugast成员底部有河流切缝。朝北和向东北的区域)。有人认为,这种不整合面对应于在希奇伍德或Hyphantoceras事件下方许多其他白垩纪盆地中认识到的主要海平面下降。格罗贝格组的海侵和高位伴随着河流相Seugast成员的沉积以及边际海相“ Veldensteiner Sandstein”向弗朗西斯阿尔卑斯(Fr?nkische Alb)的侵袭。格罗贝格组顶部(晚Turonian SB Tu 5后期)的不整合性由铁质坚硬/硬质地基和δ-(13)C值严重耗尽的下伏区指示。下海尔科芬组(最上层?Turonian–Lower Coniacian)的深层海洋泥灰岩的突然叠加可能与波西米亚?Massif西南缘的构造反转有关。



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