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The benefits of Square dancing as a means of physical activity for Czech dancers with hearing loss




Background: Hearing, a strong line of communication that enables individuals to learn about the world around them, is a major factor contributing to the psychomotor development of every individual. Hearing loss can also affect the conception and perception of sounds and rhythm. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the benefits of Square and Round dancing for persons with hearing loss. Methods: The present study is an analytic-descriptive qualitative research. The sample was constituted non-probabilistically based on the following features: a)?a?participant had to have hearing problems (hearing loss) and b) had to have participated regularly in Square dance for at least two years. Each participant was asked to name possible people to be interviewed (snowball technique). We analysed the data of 7 individuals (6 males and 1 female) with hearing loss. The mean age of the dancers with hearing loss was 51.3 years. The participants had no cochlear implants or any other physical or vision related impairments. Results: The present findings constitute the first published survey regarding Czech Square dancers' status, their family's hearing status, hearing aid use, communication preference, education in integrated or segregated settings, the influence of family background on dance initiation, coach preference (hearing or deaf), and the environment for participation in Square dance as a mode of physical activity with regular dancers and with dancers with hearing loss as well. In the present sample of dancers with hearing loss, most were from hearing families and had hearing siblings. The degree to which individuals with hearing loss feel comfortable with the hearing world appears to influence their later preference for participating in regular, as opposed to segregated, physical activities. More than half of the dancers with hearing loss who participated in this research study would like to meet with the deaf minority. One of the main reasons for this is to get to know new people and to share experiences with those who have the same problems with hearing. Conclusion: The present study emphasizes the need for the additional support and promotion of the accessibility to their chosen physical activities for individuals with hearing loss. This will be best accomplished if both the deaf and hearing communities work together.
机译:背景:听力是使个人了解周围世界的一种强有力的沟通渠道,是促使每个人的心理运动发展的主要因素。听力损失也会影响声音和节奏的概念和感知。目的:本研究的目的是描述和分析广场舞和圆舞对听力丧失者的益处。方法:本研究为分析描述性定性研究。该样本基于以下特征以非概率的方式构成:a)参与者必须有听力问题(听力丧失),并且b)必须定期参加广场舞至少两年。每个参与者被要求列出可能要接受采访的人(雪球技术)。我们分析了7名听力下降的个体(6例男性和1例女性)的数据。听力受损舞者的平均年龄为51.3岁。参与者没有耳蜗植入物或任何其他与身体或视觉相关的损伤。结果:本研究结果构成了关于捷克广场舞者的身分,其家庭的听力状况,助听器的使用,沟通偏好,综合或隔离环境的教育,家庭背景对舞蹈开始,教练偏好(听觉或听力)的影响的首次公开调查。 (聋人),以及与普通舞者和听力受损的舞者一起参加体育活动作为广场运动的环境。在目前有听力损失的舞者样本中,大多数来自听力家族,并且有听力兄弟姐妹。听力丧失的人对听力世界的适应程度似乎会影响他们以后对参加定期的,而不是分开的身体活动的偏好。参加这项研究的一半以上听力受损的舞者想与聋人见面。这样做的主要原因之一是结识新朋友,并与有听力问题的人分享经验。结论:本研究强调有必要为听力丧失者提供额外的支持,并促进他们选择的体育活动的可及性。如果聋人和听力社区共同努力,这将是最好的实现。



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