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Is the Stay-Green Trait in Sorghum a Result of Transpiration Sensitivity to Either Soil Drying or Vapor Pressure Deficit?




Persistence of green leaves during seed fill, referred to as a stay-green trait, has been investigated in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] as an approach to increasing yields under water-limited conditions. An hypothesis to explain the observation of stay green in some sorghum genotypes and not in others is that the genotypes expressing the trait employ mechanisms to increase availability of soil water during seed fill. In this study, the expression of two mechanisms resulting in soil water conservation to allow greater water availability during seed fill was explored among 12 sorghum genotypes. One mechanism is an earlier decrease in transpiration with soil drying so that the rate of soil water loss is decreased earlier in the soil drying cycle. The second mechanism is a limitation on transpiration rate at high vapor pressure deficit (VPD) so that soil water is conserved on days when midday VPD is high. Field studies were undertaken to identify seven genotypes that consistently expressed the stay-green trait and five genotypes that did not exhibit this trait. The range of the threshold for the decrease in transpiration rate with soil drying was similar among the two sets of genotypes. Similarly, the expression of the limited transpiration rate under high VPD was found for both sets of genotypes. There was no evidence in these studies that the stay-green trait was closely linked with either mechanism of water conservation.
机译:高粱[高粱双色(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench)]已经研究了种子填充过程中绿叶的持久性,这被称为保持绿色性状,以此来提高水分受限条件下的单产。一个假说可以解释在某些高粱基因型中而不是在其他高粱基因型中保持绿色的假说,即表达该性状的基因型采用增加种子灌浆过程中土壤水分利用率的机制。在这项研究中,探索了两种机制的表达,这些机制导致了土壤水分的保护,从而在种子填充过程中允许更多的水分利用,在12个高粱基因型中进行了研究。一种机制是土壤干燥过程中蒸腾作用的减少较早,因此在土壤干燥循环中土壤水分流失的速率较早地降低。第二个机制是在高蒸气压亏缺(VPD)时的蒸腾速率受到限制,因此在中午VPD较高的日子,土壤水得以保存。进行了现场研究,以鉴定出始终表现出保持绿色性状的七个基因型和不表现出该性状的五个基因型。在两组基因型之间,土壤干燥过程中蒸腾速率降低的阈值范围相似。类似地,在两组基因型中都发现了在高VPD下有限的蒸腾速率的表达。这些研究中没有证据表明,保持绿色特性与节水机制密切相关。



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