首页> 外文期刊>Cureus. >Comparative Evaluation of the Antibacterial Efficacy of Aloe Vera, 3% Sodium Hypochlorite, and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Against Enterococcus faecalis: An In Vitro Study

Comparative Evaluation of the Antibacterial Efficacy of Aloe Vera, 3% Sodium Hypochlorite, and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Against Enterococcus faecalis: An In Vitro Study




Aim To compare the antibacterial efficacy of irrigants (aloe vera, 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% chlorhexidine (CHX), and saline) against Enterococcus faecalis using the turbidometric analysis and colony count method. Materials and methods Eighty freshly extracted, single-rooted, human mandibular premolar teeth were taken. Access opening was done, instrumented, and autoclaved. Samples were inoculated with 10 μL of an Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) bacterial suspension?and incubated at 37sup?/supC for three days. Samples were divided into four groups of 20 teeth each based on the type of irrigating solution used. Group 1 was irrigated with 3% sodium hypochlorite; Group 2 with 2% chlorhexidine; group 3 with aloe vera; and Group 4 with 0.9% saline (the control group). Ten teeth from each group were subjected to a turbidity analysis by spectrophotometer and the remaining 10 teeth from each group were tested for?colony-forming units (CFU)/mL. The plates were incubated at 37sup?/supC for 24 hours and CFU?that were grown were counted using a bacterial colony counter.?Results were subjected to an analysis of variance?(ANOVA) followed by a post hoc Games-Howell test. Results All the tested irrigating solutions demonstrated an antibacterial effect against E. faecalis. The greatest antimicrobial effects were observed in samples treated with 2% CHX (p 0.001)?against E. faecalis. Conclusion Two percent?chlorhexidine exhibited good antimicrobial efficacy against E. faecalis. Three percent NaOCl and aloe vera showed a similar antimicrobial efficacy against E. faecalis. Aloe vera can be used as an?antibacterial agent in novel drugs for the treatment of bacterial diseases.
机译:目的使用浊度分析和菌落计数法比较冲洗液(芦荟,3%次氯酸钠(NaOCl),2%洗必泰(CHX)和盐水)对粪肠球菌的抗菌效果。材料和方法取八十颗新鲜提取的单根人类下颌前磨牙。进样口已完成,安装并高压灭菌。样品用10μL粪肠球菌(E. faecalis)细菌悬浮液接种,并在37°C下孵育三天。根据所使用的冲洗溶液的类型,将样品分为四组,每组20个牙齿。第1组用3%的次氯酸钠灌溉;第2组含2%洗必泰;第三组芦荟第四组含0.9%生理盐水(对照组)。用分光光度计对每组十颗牙齿进行浊度分析,并测试每组其余十颗牙齿的菌落形成单位(CFU)/ mL。将板在37℃下孵育24小时,并使用细菌菌落计数器对生长的CFU进行计数。将结果进行方差分析(ANOVA),然后进行事后分析。 Games-Howell测试。结果所有测试的灌溉溶液均显示出对粪肠球菌的抗菌作用。在用2%CHX(p 0.001)处理的粪肠球菌中观察到最大的抗菌作用。结论2%的氯己定对粪肠球菌具有良好的抗菌作用。 3%的NaOCl和芦荟对粪肠球菌显示出相似的抗菌功效。芦荟可以用作抗菌药物,用于治疗细菌性疾病的新药。



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