首页> 外文期刊>Current Health Sciences Journal >The Link Between Bone Osteocalcin and Energy Metabolism in a Group of Postmenopausal Women

The Link Between Bone Osteocalcin and Energy Metabolism in a Group of Postmenopausal Women




There is a dual relationship between bone and tissues involved in energy metabolism (fat tissue and beta-pancreatic cells). Thus, bone remodeling is an energy consuming process, but osteocalcin, the mainnon-collagenic protein, synthesized by osteoblas during bone formation exerts a number of biological effects on beta-pancreatic and adipose cells. With this data, we wanted to see if the presence of a chronic metabolic disorder such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) influence this complex dual relationship. For this, we conducted a cross-sectional study to evaluate the relation between osteocalcin and energetic metabolism in a group of 146 postmenopausal womens with and without T2DM at CI Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest. Clinical, metabolic and hormonal parameters were evaluated. For statistical analysis we used Student t-test and the Spearman correlation (statistical significance p
机译:骨骼与参与能量代谢的组织(脂肪组织和β-胰腺细胞)之间存在双重关系。因此,骨骼重塑是一个耗能的过程,但是骨钙蛋白(一种主要的非胶原蛋白)是在骨骼形成过程中由osteoblas合成的,它对β-胰腺和脂肪细胞产生许多生物学作用。借助这些数据,我们希望了解是否存在诸如2型糖尿病(T2DM)等慢性代谢障碍。为此,我们在布加勒斯特CI Parhon国家内分泌学研究所进行了一项横断面研究,以评估一组146名绝经后女性T2DM的患儿中骨钙素与能量代谢之间的关系。临床,代谢和激素参数进行了评估。为了进行统计分析,我们使用了学生t检验和Spearman相关性(统计显着性p



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