
Quality and Shelf




Aims: The effects of oven – drying (OVD), brining and oven – drying (BOVD) and smoking (SMK) on quality and shelf – life of Catfish ( Chrysichthys nigrodigitatu s ) and Tilapia ( T. zillii ) were evaluated.Study Design: Completely randomised block design.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Environmental Management & Toxicology, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria, between February 2011 and August 2012.Methodology: Life fish were collected and processed using three local preservation methods. Processed fish samples were stored in perforated plastic containers for 11 successive weeks at ambient temperature (25-32oC) and assessed weekly for weekly for levels of trace metals (Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb) and physical attributes of odour, flavour and texture. Microbial load was assessed by total viable count (TVC) and biochemical activity by total volatile nitrogen (TVN).Results: This study showed that brined/ oven-dried fish was the most accepted followed by smoked fish. The quality of processed fish under ambient conditions decreased with increasing storage time in the order OVD>SMKD
机译:目的:评估烘箱干燥(OVD),盐渍和烘箱干燥(BOVD)和吸烟(SMK)对Cat鱼(Chrysichthys nigrodigitatu s)和罗非鱼(T. zillii)的质量和保质期的影响。研究设计:完全随机的区组设计研究的地点和持续时间:尼日利亚阿贝库塔联邦农业大学环境管理与毒理学系,于2011年2月至2012年8月之间。方法:采用三种当地保存方法收集和加工活鱼。将加工过的鱼样品在环境温度(25-32oC)下连续11周存储在带孔的塑料容器中,每周评估一次,评估其微量金属(Fe,Zn,Cd,Pb)的水平以及气味,风味和质地的物理属性。结果:这项研究表明,盐水/烤箱干燥的鱼是最受接受的,其次是熏制鱼。随着储存时间的增加,环境条件下加工鱼的质量以OVD> SMKD



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