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Advancing Health Promotion Pedagogy: A Multi-Step, Applied Health Promotion Classroom Project




Courses that bridge health promotion scholarship with a demonstrative application of that scholarship are potent and critical for future public health professionals. For senior students about to graduate from the Honors Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) Program at Western University (Ontario, Canada), my intention was to create a course experience that marries health promotion scholarship with a practical skill-set in line with constructivist learning approaches. This article outlines a multi-component, classroom-based, population health group project for senior students enrolled in an Advanced Health Promotion course. Since its inception, the course has hosted 562 students and has received an average evaluation of 6.4/7.0 on the overall course experience. The specific requirements of the needs assessment, epidemiological assessment, social marketing campaign, implementation evaluation, and project summary, as well as strategies to facilitate positive group dynamics are presented.
机译:将健康促进奖学金与该奖学金的示范性应用联系起来的课程对于未来的公共卫生专业人员而言非常有效且至关重要。对于即将从加拿大安大略省西部大学的健康科学荣誉学士学位课程(BHSc)毕业的高年级学生,我的目的是创造一种课程体验,使健康促进奖学金与建构主义学习相结合的实用技能方法。本文概述了针对参加高级健康促进课程的高年级学生的,基于课堂的多部分人口健康小组项目。自开设以来,该课程已接待562名学生,并获得了整体课程体验平均6.4 / 7.0的评估。介绍了需求评估,流行病学评估,社会营销活动,实施评估和项目摘要的具体要求,以及促进积极的群体动态的策略。



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