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Effect of freeze dried powdered probiotics on gingival status and plaque inhibition: A randomized, double-blind, parallel study




Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of freeze dried powdered probiotics on gingival status and plaque inhibition among 12–15-year-old schoolchildren. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted among 12–15-year-old schoolchildren in Jaipur. Commercially available freeze dried probiotics containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium lactis (Prowel, Alkem Laboratories), lactic acid bacillus only (Sporolac, Sangyo), and a placebo powder calcium carbonate 250 g (Calcium Sandoz, Novartis) were assigned to two intervention groups and a placebo group each comprising 11 schoolchildren. All subjects were instructed to mix the powder in 30 ml of water and swish once daily for 3 min, for 3 weeks. Periodontal clinical parameters were assessed by examining the subjects for Turesky-Gilmore-Glickman plaque index (PI) (Modification of Quigley-Hein PI) and gingival index at baseline, 7th day, 14th day, and 21st day. Results: For both the probiotic groups, a statistically significant reduction (P nd week of probiotic ingestion. However, no significant difference was observed in the placebo group. Conclusion: The use of probiotic mouth rinses improves the oral health in children by significantly reducing the plaque and gingival scores. Further studies are warranted to prove or refute the long-term effects, means of administering probiotics and the dosages needed to achieve different preventive or therapeutic purposes.
机译:目的:该研究旨在评估冻干粉状益生菌对12-15岁学童的牙龈状态和菌斑抑制的有效性。材料和方法:这项随机对照试验是在斋浦尔的12-15岁学童中进行的。指定了市售的冻干益生菌,其中含有嗜酸乳杆菌,长双歧杆菌,双歧双歧杆菌和乳酸双歧杆菌(Prowel,Alkem Laboratories),仅乳酸杆菌(Sporolac,Sangyo)和安慰剂粉状碳酸钙250 g(Sandoz钙,诺华)。两个干预小组和一个安慰剂小组,每个小组由11名学童组成。指示所有受试者将粉末与30毫升水中混合,每天擦拭一次3分钟,持续3周。通过在基线第7天,第14天检查受试者的Turesky-Gilmore-Glickman斑块指数(PI)(Quigley-Hein PI的修改)和牙龈指数来评估牙周临床参数天和21 st 天。结果:两种益生菌组的益生菌摄入量均减少(P ndstups),具有统计学意义。但是,安慰剂组没有显着差异。结论:益生菌漱口水可改善儿童口腔健康需要进一步研究证明或驳斥其长期效果,施用益生菌的方式以及达到不同预防或治疗目的所需的剂量。



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