首页> 外文期刊>Creative Education >The Assessment Methods and Learning Approaches in Nursing Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in Iran

The Assessment Methods and Learning Approaches in Nursing Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in Iran




The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the relationship between the conventional methods of assessment in medical surgical courses and students’ approaches to learning. In this descriptive correlational study; the sample consisted of 198 undergraduate and postgraduate students studying nursing. Data were obtained using the revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) and the Assessment preference inventory including personal characteristics and assessment methods. The results showed that mean grade for deep learning approaches were a bit higher than surface learning approaches. (Mean ± Standard error [SE] 34.27 ± 5.006 versus Mean ± Standard error [SE] 31.21 ± 5.52). The deep and surface approaches were proposed each with a motive and strategy subscale. In this regard; grades of 16.51 ± 2.73, 17.75 ± 3.28 and 14.6 ± 3.72, 16.61 ± 2.74 were obtained for deep motive and strategy and surface motive and strategy respectively. Regarding the relationship between learning approaches and clinical assessment methods; the results of ANOVA test showed significant differences only on surface learning strategy (p
机译:本文旨在深入了解医学外科课程中常规评估方法与学生学习方法之间的关系。在这个描述性的相关研究中;样本由198名护理学的本科生和研究生组成。使用修订后的两因素研究过程问卷(R-SPQ-2F)和评估​​偏好清单(包括个人特征和评估方法)获得数据。结果表明,深度学习方法的平均成绩比表面学习方法高。 (平均值±标准误差[SE] 34.27±5.006与平均值±标准误差[SE] 31.21±5.52)。提出了深层和表面方法,每种方法都具有动机和策略子量表。在这方面;深层动机和策略以及表面动机和策略的等级分别为16.51±2.73、17.75±3.28和14.6±3.72、16.61±2.74。关于学习方法和临床评估方法之间的关系;方差分析测试的结果显示仅在表面学习策略上有显着差异(p



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