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Volume Management in the Critically Ill Patient with Acute Kidney Injury




Acute kidney injury (AKI) frequently occurs in the setting of critical illness and its management poses a challenge for the intensivist. Optimal management of volume status is critical in the setting of AKI in the ICU patient. The use of urine sodium, the fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa), and the fractional excretion of urea (FeUrea) are common clinical tools used to help guide fluid management especially further volume expansion but should be used in the context of the patient’s overall clinical scenario as they are not completely sensitive or specific for the finding of volume depletion and can be misleading. In the case of oliguric or anuric AKI, diuretics are often utilized to increase the urine output although current evidence suggests that they are best reserved for the treatment of volume overload and hyperkalemia in patients who are likely to respond to them. Management of volume overload in ICU patients with AKI is especially important as volume overload has several negative effects on organ function and overall morbidity and mortality.
机译:急性肾脏损伤(AKI)经常发生在重症疾病中,其管理对强化医生构成了挑战。在ICU患者中,对AKI的设置至关重要。尿钠的使用,钠的部分排泄(FeNa)和尿素的部分排泄(FeUrea)是常用的临床工具,可用来帮助指导液体管理,尤其是进一步扩大容量,但应结合患者的整体临床情况使用因为它们对于发现体积减少并不完全敏感或不特定,并且可能会产生误导。对于尿量少或无尿的AKI,虽然目前的证据表明利尿剂最适合保留用于可能对其产生反应的患者的容量超负荷和高钾血症的治疗,但利尿剂常用于增加尿量。在ICU AKI患者中,容量超负荷的管理尤为重要,因为容量超负荷会对器官功能以及总体发病率和死亡率产生若干负面影响。



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