首页> 外文期刊>Creative Education >Supporting the Success of Students—One of the Factors to Optimize the Role of the School through Its Cooperation with the Family

Supporting the Success of Students—One of the Factors to Optimize the Role of the School through Its Cooperation with the Family




This article aims to contribute to the growing interest and consideration to support the success of students by the school and the family. This actually leads to the optimization of the role of the school. Through answering the research questions, the paper could serve readers to reflect for the better cooperation between parents and school in terms of supporting the success of students. This study reflects upon the importance of qualitative collaboration, namely to enrich the public opinion with the valuable information about the cooperation between school and home. The purpose of this article is to ascertain whether it affects the level of contacts between school and family by supporting the success of students from the school. This study used quantitative method and aims to find answers to the following questions: What are the school and the family factors that support the success of students? Does this affect the level of contacts between the family and the school? Research hypothesis: The level of contacts between the school and families affected by the support by the school for students’ success. We have included 400 teachers and 400 parents from rural areas in this study, as well as 300 teachers and 300 parents of fourth classes’ from the urban areas. They come from the various city schools in Kosovo. Systematic sample was randomly selected, and we have compiled the questionnaire. A team of pedagogues, who have been previously trained to use this questionnaire, took attitudes of both subjects. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 program. The study has reached some findings and conclusions. Participants’ responses indicate that the level of contact between the school and families is affected by the factor supporting the success of students by the school.
机译:本文旨在促进越来越多的兴趣和考虑,以支持学校和家庭学生的成功学习。这实际上导致了学校角色的优化。通过回答研究问题,本文可以为读者反映在支持学生成功方面父母与学校之间更好的合作。这项研究反映了质量合作的重要性,即通过有关学校与家庭之间合作的宝贵信息来丰富公众舆论。本文的目的是通过支持学校学生的成功来确定它是否影响学校与家庭之间的联系水平。这项研究采用定量方法,旨在寻找以下问题的答案:支持学生成功的学校和家庭因素是什么?这会影响家庭与学校之间的联系程度吗?研究假设:学校与家庭之间的联系程度受到学校对学生成功的支持的影响。在这项研究中,我们纳入了400名来自农村地区的老师和400名父母,以及300名来自市区的老师和300名第四班的父母。他们来自科索沃的各种城市学校。随机抽取系统样本,我们已经编制了问卷。先前已接受过使用此调查表的培训的团队的教育者对这两个主题都持态度。通过SPSS 20程序分析数据。该研究已得出一些发现和结论。参与者的回答表明,学校与家庭之间的接触程度受支持学校学生成功的因素的影响。



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