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Our panel of experts highlights the most important research articles across the spectrum of topics relevant to the field of CNS oncology




The new WHO classification for brain tumors [1]has introduced some new entities like midlineglioma with histone 3 mutation that, as pediatricneuro-oncologists, we have to be aware of properclarification of prognosis with patients and parentsand adequate treatment comprising at leastradiation therapy as for grade 4 glioma. Thispaper reports on the search for BRAF V600Eand H3 K27M mutations in a series of 54 pediatricmidline grade I gangliogliomas (midlineGG) to determine the frequency of double mutationsand its relevance for prognosis. While it iswell known that GG is a grade I tumor characterizedby alterations in the MAPK pathway,including BRAF, the occurrence of the secondmutation was not reported so far. The frequencyof the co-occurrence of H3F3A/BRAF mutationsat diagnosis was 9.3% and the H3F3Amutation was never singularly found. Of the fivepatients harboring both mutations in their GG,only one died due to progressive disease evenwhen nobody had received adjuvant treatmentafter surgery. Despite the presence of H3 K27Mmutation, these cases maintained the good prognosisof GG grade 1 and, the authors suggest,they should not have received any further treatmentafter surgery even if molecular findingswere known at diagnosis. The interaction of thetwo different mutations could be a key of theswitching off of the negative prognosis correlatedto H3K27 mutation.
机译:世卫组织新的脑肿瘤分类[1]引入了一些新的实体,例如具有组蛋白3突变的中线神经胶质瘤,作为儿科神经肿瘤学家,我们必须意识到患者和父母的预后是否正确明确,以及至少包括放射治疗的分级4神经胶质瘤。本文报道了在一系列54例小儿中线I级神经胶质瘤(midlineGG)中寻找BRAF V600E和H3 K27M突变的情况,以确定双重突变的频率及其与预后的相关性。众所周知,GG是一种以MAPK途径(包括BRAF)发生改变为特征的I级肿瘤,但目前尚无关于二次突变的报道。诊断时H3F3A / BRAF突变的并发频率为9.3%,从未发现过H3F3Amutation。在五名患者的GG中都有这两种突变,即使没有人接受手术后的辅助治疗,也只有一名患者死于进展性疾病。尽管存在H3 K27突变,这些病例仍保持GG 1级良好的预后,作者建议,即使在诊断时已知分子发现,也不应在手术后接受任何进一步的治疗。两种不同突变的相互作用可能是关闭与H3K27突变相关的阴性预后的关键。



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