首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Effectiveness Research >The effect of comparative effectiveness research on drug development innovation: a 360° value appraisal

The effect of comparative effectiveness research on drug development innovation: a 360° value appraisal




Abstract: The drug development process is in dire need of transformation. Even after achieving regulatory approval, pharmaceutical companies are increasingly seeing their products subjected to health technology assessments (HTAs) by public and private payers. The cornerstone of HTA value appraisal, and thus reimbursability, is comparative effectiveness research (CER), a ‘real-world’ comparison of a new product with the existing standard of care. Burgeoning demand for CER will fundamentally transform drug development by forcing biopharmaceutical manufacturers to view drug innovation from a holistic, 360° perspective. Specifically, drug and device developers must alter their existing approach to R&D by: adapting experimental research design methods to address multiple stakeholder demands; demonstrating real-world value through a suite of post-market observational research methods; and creating a transparent CER evaluation protocol based on standard principles. In the long-term, CER is forecast to propel innovation by focusing R&D on products that deliver real-world value to multiple customers and market stakeholders.
机译:摘要:药物开发过程急需转型。即使获得监管部门的批准,制药公司也越来越多地看到其产品受到公共和私人付款人的健康技术评估(HTA)的影响。 HTA价值评估和可偿付能力的基础是比较有效性研究(CER),这是对新产品与现有护理标准的“真实”比较。对CER的激增需求将迫使生物制药生产商从整体360度角度看待药物创新,从而从根本上改变药物开发。具体而言,药物和设备开发人员必须通过以下方式改变其现有的研发方法:调整实验研究设计方法以满足多个利益相关者的需求;通过一系列售后观察研究方法展示现实价值;并基于标准原则创建透明的CER评估协议。从长远来看,预计CER将通过将研发重点放在能够为多个客户和市场利益相关者带来真实价值的产品上来推动创新。



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