
Letter From the Editor: On RELEVANCE




In case you did not have the opportunity to review the recent paper by Morschhauser, Fowler, and coauthors in the September 6 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, I will summarize it here. The RELEVANCE trial compared the R2 regimen (the novel combination of rituximab and lenalidomide) against R-chemo for frontline follicular lymphoma. Eligible patients had previously untreated, high–tumor burden follicular lymphoma. Lenalidomide was given at a dose of 20 mg/day for the first 21 of 28 days for 6 months, and then at 10?mg/day for 12 months. Rituximab was given throughout the 18 months of lenalidomide treatment, plus for an additional 12 months (total duration of treatment, 30 months). For the R-chemo control arm, individual treating physicians could choose CHOP, CVP, or bendamustine as their chemotherapy backbone, which was administered for 6 cycles, followed by 2 years of maintenance rituximab. The trial was designed to show superiority of the R2 regimen over R-chemo, and the co–primary endpoints were complete response rate at 120 weeks and progression-free survival.
机译:如果您没有机会查看Morschhauser,Fowler及其合著者在9月6日《新英格兰医学杂志》上发表的最新论文,我将在这里进行总结。 RELEVANCE试验比较了R2方案(利妥昔单抗和来那度胺的新组合)与R-chemo治疗一线滤泡性淋巴瘤。符合条件的患者先前未接受过治疗,高肿瘤负荷的滤泡性淋巴瘤。来那度胺的剂量为28天的前21天每天20 mg /天,持续6个月,然后以10?mg /天的剂量持续12个月。在来那度胺治疗的整个18个月中给予利妥昔单抗治疗,再加用12个月(总治疗时间30个月)。对于R化疗的对照组,个别治疗医生可以选择CHOP,CVP或苯达莫司汀作为其化疗的主要药物,进行6个周期的给药,然后维持2年的利妥昔单抗治疗。该试验旨在显示R2方案优于R-chemo,主要共同终点是120周时完全缓解率和无进展生存期。



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