首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental rheumatology >Lactobacilli lozenges in the management of oral ulcers of Behçet's syndrome

Lactobacilli lozenges in the management of oral ulcers of Behçet's syndrome




BACKGROUND:There is increasing evidence that lactobacilli, having anti-inflammatory activity, may be useful in some diseases, particularly in inflammatory bowel disease.OBJEcTIVES:We aimed to study the efficacy of lactobacilli lozenges (INERSAN??, VSL Pharmaceuticals, USA) in the management of oral ulcers of Beh?§et`s syndrome.PATIENTS AND METHODS:Twenty-five patients were studied before, during and after lactobacillus use. All patients had mainly skin-mucosa involvement with fresh oral ulcers and none were using systemic immunosuppressives. The patients chewed on 6 lozenges/day at intervals of 2-3 hours during the time they were awake for 7 days. The number of OU before visit 1 and after 1. and 2. weeks after drug use was the main outcome measure. RESULTS:Twenty three patients completed the trial. 1 patient left the trial the second day because of nausea and another was a no show at the 2.visit. There was a significant decrease in the mean number of ulcers following treatment, more pronounced among the females, and this decrease continued at least for 1 week after the treatment was stopped. 4/23 patients had side effects with 3 complaining of nausea and 1 of abdominal fullness.CONCLUSIONS: In this pilot and open study Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges seemed to be effective in controlling the OU of BS. Randomized, controlled trials with this seemingly innocuous agent are now needed.
机译:背景:越来越多的证据表明,具有抗炎活性的乳酸杆菌可能在某些疾病中有用,特别是在炎症性肠病中。目的:我们旨在研究乳酸杆菌锭剂(INERSAN,美国VSL制药公司)的功效。患者和方法:研究了25例患者在使用乳酸菌之前,期间和之后。所有患者主要是皮肤粘膜受累并伴有新鲜口腔溃疡,均未使用全身性免疫抑制剂。患者在清醒7天的时间内以2-3个小时的间隔每天咀嚼6次锭剂。主要随访指标是访视前1次,吸毒后1.周和2.周后的OU数。结果:23例患者完成了试验。一名患者因恶心第二天离开了试验,另一名患者在2次就诊时未见症状。治疗后的平均溃疡数明显减少,在女性中更为明显,并且这种下降在停止治疗后至少持续了1周。 4/23例患者有3例恶心和1个腹部饱胀的副作用。结论:在这项先导和开放性研究中,短乳杆菌CD2锭剂似乎可有效控制BS的OU。现在需要使用这种看似无害的药物进行随机对照试验。



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