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Ecdysone signaling regulates specification of neurons with a male-specific neurite in Drosophila




Some mAL neurons in the male brain form the ipsilateral neurite (ILN[+]) in a manner dependent on FruBM, a male-specific transcription factor. FruBM repressesrobo1transcription, allowing the ILN to form. We found that the proportion of ILN[+]-mALs in all observed single cell clones dropped from ~90% to ~30% by changing the heat-shock timing for clone induction from 4-5?days after egg laying (AEL) to 6-7?days AEL, suggesting that the ILN[+]-mALs are produced predominantly by young neuroblasts. Upon EcR-A knockdown, ILN[+]-mALs were produced at a high rate (~60%), even when heat shocked at 6-7?days AEL, yet EcR-B1 knockdown reduced the proportion of ILN[+]-mALs to ~30%. Immunoprecipitation assays in S2 cells demonstrated that EcR-A and EcR-B1 form a complex with FruBM.robo1reporter transcription was repressed by FruBM and ecdysone counteracted FruBM. We suggest that ecdysone signaling modulates the FruBM action to produce an appropriate number of male-type neurons.
机译:男性大脑中的某些mAL神经元以依赖于男性特异性转录因子FruBM的方式形成同侧神经突(ILN [+])。 FruBM抑制robo1转录,从而形成ILN。我们发现,通过将克隆诱导的热休克时间从产卵后(AEL)更改为4-5天,改为在所有观察到的单细胞克隆中,ILN [+]-mALs的比例从约90%下降至约30%。 AEL 6-7天,表明ILN [+]-mALs主要由年轻的成神经细胞产生。在EcR-A敲低后,即使在AEL的6-7天热冲击时,ILN [+]-mAL的生成率也很高(〜60%),但EcR-B1敲低会降低ILN [+]-的比例mALs约为30%。 S2细胞中的免疫沉淀分析表明EcR-A和EcR-B1与FruBM形成复合物.robo1报告基因的转录被FruBM抑制,蜕皮激素抵消了FruBM。我们建议蜕皮激素信号传导调节FruBM行动,以产生适当数量的男性型神经元。



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