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From Biology to Mathematical Models and Back: Teaching Modeling to Biology Students, and Biology to Math and Engineering Students




We describe the development of a course to teach modeling and mathematical analysis skills to students of biology and to teach biology to students with strong backgrounds in mathematics, physics, or engineering. The two groups of students have different ways of learning material and often have strong negative feelings toward the area of knowledge that they find difficult. To give students a sense of mastery in each area, several complementary approaches are used in the course: 1) a “live” textbook that allows students to explore models and mathematical processes interactively; 2) benchmark problems providing key skills on which students make continuous progress; 3) assignment of students to teams of two throughout the semester; 4) regular one-on-one interactions with instructors throughout the semester; and 5) a term project in which students reconstruct, analyze, extend, and then write in detail about a recently published biological model. Based on student evaluations and comments, an attitude survey, and the quality of the students' term papers, the course has significantly increased the ability and willingness of biology students to use mathematical concepts and modeling tools to understand biological systems, and it has significantly enhanced engineering students' appreciation of biology.
机译:我们描述了课程的发展,该课程旨在向生物学专业的学生教授建模和数学分析技能,并向具有数学,物理学或工程学背景的学生教授生物学。两组学生对材料的学习方式不同,并且常常对他们认为困难的知识领域产生强烈的消极情绪。为了使学生对每个领域都有一定的把握,在课程中使用了几种互补的方法:1)一本“实时”教科书,使学生可以交互式地探索模型和数学过程; 2)基准问题提供学生不断进步的关键技能; 3)在整个学期中,将学生分配为两个团队; 4)在整个学期中与导师进行定期的一对一互动;和5)一个学期项目,学生在其中重建,分析,扩展然后详细撰写有关最近发布的生物学模型的信息。根据学生的评价和评论,态度调查以及学生的学期论文的质量,该课程显着提高了生物学学生使用数学概念和建模工具来理解生物系统的能力和意愿,并且显着提高了工科学生对生物学的欣赏。



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