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Automated detection of proliferative retinopathy in clinical practice




Abstract: Timely intervention for diabetic retinopathy (DR) lessens the possibility of blindness and can save considerable costs to health systems. To ensure that interventions are timely and effective requires methods of screening and monitoring pathological changes, including assessing outcomes. Fractal analysis, one method that has been studied for assessing DR, is potentially relevant in today’s world of telemedicine because it provides objective indices from digital images of complex patterns such as are seen in retinal vasculature, which is affected in DR. We introduce here a protocol to distinguish between nonproliferative (NPDR) and proliferative (PDR) changes in retinal vasculature using a fractal analysis method known as local connected dimension (Dconn) analysis. The major finding is that compared to other fractal analysis methods, Dconn analysis better differentiates NPDR from PDR (p = 0.05). In addition, we are the first to show that fractal analysis can be used to differentiate between NPDR and PDR using automated vessel identification. Overall, our results suggest this protocol can complement existing methods by including an automated and objective measure obtainable at a lower level of expertise that experts can then use in screening for and monitoring DR.
机译:摘要:糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)的及时干预可减少失明的可能性,并可为卫生系统节省可观的费用。为确保干预措施及时有效,需要筛查和监测病理变化的方法,包括评估结果。分形分析是评估DR的一种方法,它在当今的远程医疗领域具有潜在的意义,因为它可以从复杂模式的数字图像(例如在视网膜血管中看到的复杂模式)提供客观的指标,而DR会对其产生影响。我们在这里介绍一种协议,使用分形分析方法(称为局部连接维数(Dconn)分析)来区分视网膜血管系统的非增生性(NPDR)和增生性(PDR)变化。主要发现是,与其他分形分析方法相比,Dconn分析可更好地区分NPDR和PDR(p = 0.05)。此外,我们是第一个证明分形分析可用于使用自动容器识别来区分NPDR和PDR的方法。总体而言,我们的结果表明,该协议可以通过以较低的专业知识水平获得自动化和客观的措施来补充现有方法,专家可以将其用于筛查和监测DR。



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