首页> 外文期刊>Clinical ophthalmology >Travoprost in the management of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension

Travoprost in the management of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension




Abstract: Travoprost is a member of the prostaglandin analogue class of intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering drugs used to treat ocular hypertension and glaucoma. Like other prostaglandin analogues, travoprost lowers IOP by enhancing the egress of aqueous humor through both the uveoscleral and trabecular outflow channels. This review summarizes the published data regarding the safety and efficacy of travoprost. Travoprost provides statistically significant and clinically relevant reductions in mean IOP, of the order of 6.5–9.0 mmHg in most studies. In addition, travoprost provides consistent diurnal IOP control, with statistically significant IOP reductions persisting up to 84 hours post-dose. Travoprost has a highly favorable safety profile; most adverse events are cosmetic in nature (such as iris hyperpigmentation and eyelash growth), although more serious adverse events (such as iritis and macular edema) have been associated with travoprost and the other prostaglandin drugs. In some markets, travoprost is available in a fixed combination with timolol; clinical studies have demonstrated that the fixed combination – dosed once daily – lowers IOP by 7–11.5 mmHg. In conclusion, travoprost provides safe and effective reduction of IOP, with convenient once-daily dosing, supporting its role as primary monotherapy.
机译:摘要:Travoprost是用于治疗高眼压和青光眼的降低眼压(IOP)的前列腺素类似物类别的成员。像其他前列腺素类似物一样,曲伏前列素通过增强房水通过葡萄膜巩膜和小梁流出通道的流出而降低了眼压。这篇综述总结了有关travoprost安全性和有效性的公开数据。在大多数研究中,Travoprost可使平均眼压降低,具有统计学意义和临床相关性,平均降低6.5–9.0 mmHg。此外,travoprost可提供持续的昼夜IOP控制,且在服用后84个小时内IOP的减少在统计学上一直持续。 Travoprost具有高度有利的安全性;大多数不良事件本质上是美容性的(例如虹膜色素沉着和睫毛生长),尽管更严重的不良事件(例如虹膜炎和黄斑水肿)与travoprost和其他前列腺素药物相关。在某些市场上,travoprost与噻吗洛尔有固定的组合。临床研究表明,每天固定一次的固定组合可将IOP降低7-11.5 mmHg。总之,travoprost可通过每天一次方便的剂量提供安全有效的IOP降低,支持其作为主要单一疗法的作用。



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