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Blueprint for a European calciphylaxis registry initiative: the European Calciphylaxis Network (EuCalNet)




Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy (CUA) is a rare disease and continues to be a clinical challenge. The typical course of CUA is characterized by painful skin discolouration and induration evolving to necrotic ulcerations. Medial calcification of cutaneous arterioles and extensive extracellular matrix remodelling are the hallmarks of CUA. The epidemiology and risk factors associated with this disease are still not fully understood. Moreover, CUA treatment strategies vary significantly among centres and expert recommendations are heterogeneous. Registries may provide important insights and information to increase our knowledge about epidemiology and clinical aspects of CUA and may help to optimize its therapeutic management. In 2006, we established an internet-based registry in Germany (www.calciphylaxie.de) to allow online notification of patients with established or suspected CUA. The registry includes a comprehensive database with questions covering 70 parameters and items regarding patient-related and laboratory data, clinical background and presentation as well as therapeutic strategies. The next phase will be to allow international patient registration via www.calciphylaxis.net as part of the multinational EuCalNet (European Calciphylaxis Network) initiative, which is supported by the ERA-EDTA scientific working group ‘CKD-MBD'. Based on the valuable experience with the previous German CUA registry, EuCalNet will be a useful tool to collect data on the rare disease CUA and may become a basis for prospective controlled trials in the near future.
机译:尿路上尿钙化症(CUA)是一种罕见疾病,仍然是临床挑战。 CUA的典型病程以皮肤变色和硬结发展为坏死性溃疡为特征。皮肤小动脉的内侧钙化和广泛的细胞外基质重塑是CUA的标志。与这种疾病有关的流行病学和危险因素仍未完全了解。此外,各中心之间CUA的治疗策略差异很大,专家的建议也各不相同。登记处可能会提供重要的见识和信息,以增加我们对CUA的流行病学和临床方面的了解,并可能有助于优化其治疗管理。 2006年,我们在德国建立了一个基于互联网的注册中心(www.calciphylaxie.de),以便在线通知已建立或怀疑患有CUA的患者。该注册表包括一个综合性数据库,其问题涵盖70多个参数以及与患者相关和实验室数据,临床背景和表现以及治疗策略有关的项目。下一阶段将是允许通过www.calciphylaxis.net进行国际患者注册,这是由ERA-EDTA科学工作组“ CKD-MBD”支持的跨国EuCalNet(欧洲Calciphylaxis网络)计划的一部分。基于以前的德国CUA注册管理机构的宝贵经验,EuCalNet将成为收集罕见病CUA数据的有用工具,并可能在不久的将来成为前瞻性对照试验的基础。



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