首页> 外文期刊>Cancer and Oncology Research >A Pediatric Nasal Esthesioneuroblastoma Treated by Helical Tomotherapy

A Pediatric Nasal Esthesioneuroblastoma Treated by Helical Tomotherapy




Purpose: To compare 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) with intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in the irradiation of pediatric head and neck tumor. Case report: A 13-year old boy with the diagnosis of olfactory neuroblastoma (stage Kadish B), who had postoperative residual disease referred to our clinic for adjuvant radiotherapy (RT). A total of 60 Gy image guided (IG)-IMRT were applied in two phases (50Gy/30 fractions and 10 Gy/5 fractions). Before irradiation, RT planning was performed by in two different therapy techniques, namely 3DCRT and IMRT, and these techniques were compared regarding conformation number (CN) and homogeneity index (HI) for planning target volume (PTV), as well as maximum, minimum and mean doses for selected critical organs and PTV. Results: IMRT planning with helical tomotherapy had an apparent superiority compared to 3DCRT planning, as expected. The patient was maintaining remission after 26 months from RT and no side effect related to RT were detected. Conclusions: Today, irradiation of pediatric tumors with 3DCRT is the standard practice. However, IMRT may be required in case of tumors at close proximity to the critical organs in which high dose of irradiation is indicated.
机译:目的:比较3D适形放疗(3DCRT)与调强放疗(IMRT)在小儿头颈部肿瘤照射中的作用。病例报告:一名13岁男孩,诊断为嗅觉神经母细胞瘤(Kadish B期),术后残留疾病,转诊至我们的诊所进行辅助放疗(RT)。在两个阶段(50Gy / 30馏分和10 Gy / 5馏分)共施用了60 Gy图像引导(IG)-IMRT。在辐照之前,通过两种不同的治疗技术(3DCRT和IMRT)进行了RT计划,并比较了这些技术的构象数(CN)和均一性指数(HI)以计划目标体积(PTV)以及最大,最小以及所选关键器官和PTV的平均剂量。结果:与3DCRT计划相比,采用螺旋断层扫描的IMRT计划具有明显的优势,正如预期的那样。放疗26个月后患者仍保持缓解,未检测到与放疗相关的副作用。结论:今天,用3DCRT照射小儿肿瘤已成为标准做法。但是,如果肿瘤靠近需要高剂量照射的关键器官,则可能需要IMRT。



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