首页> 外文期刊>Cancer and Oncology Research >Prevalence of Risk Factors Related to Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Among College Students

Prevalence of Risk Factors Related to Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Among College Students




The incidence of head and neck cancers among young individuals is increasing in the United States. Various sexual behaviors, heavy tobacco and alcohol use, HPV infection, and lack of HPV vaccination may increase the risk of head and neck cancer in the younger male population. The study was conducted to identify the risk factors for head and neck squamous cell cancers (HNSCC) among college students. A convenience sample of 1,685 students from an undergraduate health course was selected for the study. The self-reported, anonymous electronic questionnaire included items on the following risk factors: tobacco and alcohol use, HPV infection and/or presence of genital warts, oral hygiene, open-mouth kissing, and practice of various sexual behaviors. Statistical results showed that among college-aged males, the use of tobacco products and alcohol is much higher than females (P=0.000). Significance was also found between gender and sexual behaviors in one’s lifetime and within the past 12 months (P=0.000). On average, males have higher numbers of vaginal and oral sex partners than females. In addition, males reported having twice the number of open-mouth kissing partners compared to their female counterparts (6 as opposed to 3). Importantly, the percentage of males who completed all three HPV vaccinations in the series is much lower (10.1%) than females (89.9%) which make them more vulnerable to HPV transmission, thus increasing the risk of HNSCC. College-aged males seem to be engaged in more high-risk activities related to HNSCC compared to their female counterparts. Integration of preventive public health strategies should be considered.
机译:在美国,年轻人中头颈癌的发病率正在增加。各种性行为,大量吸烟和酗酒,HPV感染以及缺乏HPV疫苗接种可能会增加年轻男性人群患头颈癌的风险。这项研究旨在确定大学生头颈部鳞状细胞癌(HNSCC)的危险因素。为方便起见,选择了本科健康课程的1,685名学生作为样本。自我报告的匿名电子问卷包括以下危险因素:吸烟和饮酒,HPV感染和/或生殖器疣的存在,口腔卫生,张口接吻以及各种性行为的作风。统计结果表明,在大学年龄的男性中,使用烟草制品和饮酒的比例大大高于女性(P = 0.000)。在一个人的一生中以及过去12个月内,性别和性行为之间也具有重要意义(P = 0.000)。平均而言,男性比女性有更多的阴道和口交伴侣。此外,男性报告的张口接吻伴侣的数量是女性的两倍(6对3)。重要的是,在该系列中完成全部三项HPV疫苗接种的男性百分比(10.1%)比女性(89.9%)低得多,这使得他们更容易感染HPV,从而增加了HNSCC的风险。与女性同龄人相比,大学年龄的男性似乎从事与HNSCC相关的高风险活动。应考虑整合预防性公共卫生策略。



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