首页> 外文期刊>Ciência e Agrotecnologia >Physicochemical composition and antioxidant potential of bee pollen from different botanical sources in Alagoas, Brazil

Physicochemical composition and antioxidant potential of bee pollen from different botanical sources in Alagoas, Brazil




ABSTRACT Bee pollen results from the mixture of pollen and floral nectar with the salivary substances of bees and has increasingly been used as a food with therapeutic properties. In this study, 30 samples of bee pollen from Apis mellifera apiaries in three mesoregions of Alagoas (Brazil) - Mata Atl???¢ntica, South Coast and Caatinga, were collected during the dry season of 2008/09 and analysed. Mata Atl???¢ntica and Caatinga had good production of bee pollen. In the same season, Mata Atl???¢ntica contained a higher diversity of pollen types for feeding bees with a predominance of herbaceous pollen (63%), whereas the Caatinga samples contained monofloral pollen. Physicochemical data were analysed with the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis statistical test. The Caatinga samples were analysed to determine their contents of total phenolic compounds (25.85 ???± 10.80 mg gallic acid eq/g) and flavonoids (45.62 ???± 32.19 mg quercetin eq/g) and their antioxidant activity (for instance, 70.62 ???± 4.50% in the DPPH test), which were possibly affected by the environmental conditions of this biome. Index terms:???? Apis mellifera; total phenolics; floral origin.
机译:摘要蜂花粉是由花粉和花蜜与蜜蜂唾液物质的混合物产生的,已越来越多地用作具有治疗特性的食品。在这项研究中,在2008/09旱季收集了来自阿拉戈斯(巴西)三个中区-马塔Atl ??? ntntica,南海岸和卡廷加的蜜蜂蜜蜂花粉的30个样品,并进行了分析。 Mata Atl ??? ntica和Caatinga的蜂花粉产量高。在同一季节,Mata Atllntica的花粉类型多样性较高,主要以草本花粉为食(63%),而Caatinga样品中则含有单花粉。用非参数Kruskal-Wallis统计检验分析理化数据。分析Caatinga样品以确定其总酚类化合物(25.85±10.80 mg没食子酸当量/ g)和类黄酮(45.62±32.19 mg槲皮素当量/ g)的含量及其抗氧化活性(例如, 70.62±4.50%(在DPPH测试中),这可能受此生物群落环境条件的影响。索引字词:????蜜蜂总酚花的起源。



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