The general objective of this article is to review the current literature regarding the epidemiology, biological behavior and risk factors for '/> Clinico-epidemiological aspects associated with penile cancer
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Clinico-epidemiological aspects associated with penile cancer

Clinico-epidemiological aspects associated with penile cancer




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The general objective of this article is to review the current literature regarding the epidemiology, biological behavior and risk factors for penile cancer development, such as HPV infection. Phimosis and chronic irritation related to poor hygiene are commonly associated with penile cancer, whereas neonatal circumcision reduces the relative risk for the disease. There is strong evidence that HPV types 16 and 18 are associated with penile carcinoma in as many as 50% of cases. Patients with penile lesions should undergo physical examination, which is often sufficient to diagnose and to define tumor stagging, as well as contributes to decision-making regarding therapeutical approaches and case management.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>本文的总体目标是回顾有关流行病学,生物学行为和阴茎癌发展风险因素的最新文献,如HPV感染。与不良卫生有关的包茎和慢性刺激通常与阴茎癌相关,而新生儿包皮环切术降低了该疾病的相对风险。有强有力的证据表明,多达50%的病例HPV 16和18型与阴茎癌有关。阴茎病变患者应接受身体检查,通常足以诊断和确定肿瘤停滞,并有助于做出有关治疗方法和病例管理的决策。



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