首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Federal financing and local management of social policies: the balance among regulation, accountability and autonomy

Federal financing and local management of social policies: the balance among regulation, accountability and autonomy




The article argues that local governments had already taken over the management of health care policy in Brazil. Yet, there's no guarantee that local management will necessarily imply accountability, efficiency, as well as universal and equitable access to health care. It heavily depends on the incentives and controls upon local governments. Those are related to public policies institutional design. SUS built up, between 1988 and 1993, a complex institutional structure through decisions are to be taken, in order to accomplish health policy goals and answer new problems posed by reform implementation. The article analyses the SUS's institutional tools to induce local government actions committed to citizens welfare and health care quality. It concludes that although these mechanisms are not yet in their full operation, the challenge consists more in making them work better than replacing them by any other else.
机译:文章认为,巴西地方政府已经接管了医疗政策的管理。但是,不能保证本地管理必然意味着问责制,效率以及普及和公平获得医疗保健的权利。这在很大程度上取决于对地方政府的激励和控制。这些与公共政策机构设计有关。 SUS在1988年至1993年间通过决策建立了一个复杂的机构结构,以实现卫生政策目标并解决改革实施带来的新问题。本文分析了SUS的制度工具,以诱使地方政府采取行动来提高公民的福利和医疗质量。结论是,尽管这些机制尚未完全发挥作用,但挑战在于,使它们发挥更好的作用而不是被其他任何机制取代。



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