This work aims at investigating the supply and demand of the medium-complexity services from the Federal District and surrounding municipalitie'/> Supply and demand of the medium-complexity/SUS: relation with primary health care
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Supply and demand of the medium-complexity/SUS: relation with primary health care

机译:中等复杂度/ SUS的供求:与初级卫生保健的关系



> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This work aims at investigating the supply and demand of the medium-complexity services from the Federal District and surrounding municipalities from the state of Goiás. Our hypothesis is that the services organization offer of primary care (PC) from the Federal District (DF) and its surroundings overloads the medium-complexity services (MC), contributing to less equity in terms of communities access. Our objective is to analyze the demand for MC (medium-complexity) services in DF (Federal District) and its relation with PC (Primary Care); to quantify the origin, health problem, reason, transportation time and performed procedures of the ones who go to the Federal District hospitals; to set up priorities of managerial changes in the Brazilian Health System (SUS) in order to have more access to users. The evaluation was triangulation of methods, and complementing qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study of the offer via the analysis of SUS information systems, and the demand through a survey with 1,585 users of seven hospitals of the Federal District. There is a sub utilization of services offer at the Federal District, with duplicity of basic actions among hospitals and other health centers. It is recommended a revision in the health services regionalization and hierarchy of the Federal District and Goiás, as well as more investments on implementation of technology to primary care.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>该工作旨在调查来自联邦区和周边州市的中等复杂性服务的供求情况戈亚斯岛。我们的假设是,服务组织从联邦区(DF)及其周围地区提供的初级保健(PC)提供的服务使中等复杂性服务(MC)负担过重,从而导致社区获得机会的公平性降低。我们的目标是分析DF(联邦区)对MC(中等复杂性)服务的需求及其与PC(初级保健)的关系;量化去联邦区医院的人的出身,健康问题,原因,运输时间和执行的程序;在巴西卫生系统(SUS)中设置管理变更的优先级,以便对用户具有更多访问权限。评估是对方法进行三角测量,并补充定性和定量方法。通过对SUS信息系统的分析来研究报价,并通过对联邦区七家医院的1,585位用户进行的调查来研究需求。联邦区对服务提供了部分利用,医院和其他保健中心之间采取了基本行动。建议对联邦区和戈亚斯州的医疗服务区域化和等级结构进行修订,并建议加大对实施基础医疗技术的投资。



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