首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Evaluation of the pre-test counseling process in the HIV Testing and Counseling Centers in Rio de Janeiro State: the perception of users and health professionals

Evaluation of the pre-test counseling process in the HIV Testing and Counseling Centers in Rio de Janeiro State: the perception of users and health professionals




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This study sought to evaluate the pretest counseling process in the HIV Testing and Counseling Centers (CTA) in Rio de Janeiro State, based on the perceptions of users and health professionals. A population survey was performed, based on a structured questionnaire given to a sample of users and counselors of nine CTAs. Quantitative analyses were employed to evaluate the degree of satisfaction in relation to infrastructure indicators of the way patients are received and treated, the user-counselor relationship, and territoriality, accessibility and availability. Among the CTA users interviewed, 58.1% were very satisfied and 38.7% were satisfied with the care received, according to analysis of set of indicators. The majority of health professionals (80.9%) interviewed also declared their satisfaction. Despite the high level of satisfaction, some complaints regarding structural and procedural aspects were identified, which call for the attention of the health managers and professionals for the enhancement of the quality of the service rendered.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>该研究旨在评估位于里约热内卢州HIV检测和咨询中心(CTA)的检测前咨询过程。用户和卫生专业人员的看法。 根据对9个CTAs的用户和顾问的样本进行的结构化问卷,进行了人口调查。采用定量分析来评估与患者接受和治疗方式的基础设施指标,用户与顾问之间的关系以及地域性,可及性和可利用性相关的满意度。根据一组指标的分析,在接受采访的CTA用户中,对接受的护理非常满意,占58.1%,对满意度的满意度为38.7%。接受采访的大多数卫生专业人员(80.9%)也表示满意。尽管满意度很高,但仍发现了一些有关结构和程序方面的投诉,这些呼吁引起了卫生经理和专业人员的注意,以提高所提供服务的质量。



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