The public sector is the main financing agent of hospital admissions and the information generated constitutes the input for the hospital infor'/> Information from the invoicing sector as support for decision-making: a case study at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD)
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Information from the invoicing sector as support for decision-making: a case study at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD)

Information from the invoicing sector as support for decision-making: a case study at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD)




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The public sector is the main financing agent of hospital admissions and the information generated constitutes the input for the hospital information network of the Unified Health System (SUS). This paper seeks to design a report template to be used for decision-making in both public and university hospitals. The theoretical approach sought inspiration in discussions about the SUS, hospital institutions, hospital information systems and decision-making. The methodological procedures used are characterized as qualitative-descriptive methods and were conducted in a single case study and action research. The primary data analysis was carried out in two stages from January through December 2007 and from January through December 2008. Based on these periods, the findings were described and the elaboration of new reports was presented, with the importance and need for each being duly emphasized. Lastly, a structured report template was created for the case study that includes information discussed in the article. The conclusion reached is that the hospital information system can become a potential support tool, as the necessary adjustments are made and the report is structured to furnish the institution with an objective communication tool for decision-making.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>公共部门是医院住院的主要筹资机构,所产生的信息构成了联合医院信息网络的输入卫生系统(SUS)。本文旨在设计一种可用于公立和大学医院决策的报告模板。这种理论方法在有关SUS,医院机构,医院信息系统和决策的讨论中获得了启发。所用的方法学方法被定性为描述性方法,并在单个案例研究和行动研究中进行。从2007年1月至2007年12月以及从2008年1月至2008年12月,分两个阶段进行了主要数据分析。在此期间,对结果进行了描述并介绍了新报告的编制,并适当强调了每个报告的重要性和必要性。 。最后,为案例研究创建了结构化的报告模板,其中包含本文中讨论的信息。得出的结论是,医院信息系统可以通过进行必要的调整而成为潜在的支持工具,并且该报告的结构旨在为医院提供客观的决策工具。



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