This study investigated the different ways of evaluating the social support in Brazilian studies. A surveying of scientific Brazilian publicati'/> Social support assessment in Brazilian studies: conceptual aspects and measures
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Social support assessment in Brazilian studies: conceptual aspects and measures

Social support assessment in Brazilian studies: conceptual aspects and measures




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This study investigated the different ways of evaluating the social support in Brazilian studies. A surveying of scientific Brazilian publications from 1987 to 2007 was done in the Indexpsi, Pepsic, SciELO and Lilacs databases according to keywords social support and social network. Fifty-five studies included some type of assessing social support in Brazilian samples. The results indicated a rise in the number of studies about social support assessment in the last years using interviews to investigate received and perceived support, predominantly. However, the construction was applied without theoretical basis and was associated with many other concepts, sometimes without an appropriate articulation. Besides, there were evidences of lacking reliable, valid and standardized instruments to Brazilian population by considering the instruments currently used and revised by this study.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>这项研究调查了评估巴西研究中社会支持的不同方法。根据关键字社会支持和社交网络,在Indexpsi,Pepsic,SciELO和Lilacs数据库中对1987年至2007年巴西科学出版物进行了调查。五十五项研究包括对巴西样本中的社会支持进行的某种评估。结果表明,在过去几年中,主要通过访谈来调查接受和感知到的支持,有关社会支持评估的研究数量有所增加。但是,该结构的应用没有理论基础,并且与许多其他概念相关联,有时没有适当的表达。此外,有证据表明,考虑到本研究当前使用和修订的工具,巴西人口缺乏可靠,有效和标准化的工具。



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