The relationship between health and development is complex and lies in the field of political economy, given that it involves different social,'/> Health and territorialization from the perpective of development
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Health and territorialization from the perpective of development




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The relationship between health and development is complex and lies in the field of political economy, given that it involves different social, political, and economic interests. In the Brazilian case, this association is particularly relevant in terms of the territorial dimension, in light of the central role of healthcare services in the organization of the urban network and the demarcation of territorial schedules and limits. In the theoretical-conceptual field, this study explores analytical areas that approach the relations between health and development, as well as between health and the territorial issue; and analyzes the history of the decentralization and regionalization policy in the Unified National Health System (SUS) and Federal investments that constitute the basis for its spatial evolution. Based on this conceptual review and empirical data, the study attempts to establish theoretical and political-institutional connections between health and development. The aim is thus to support the discussion on challenges facing a new role for health in the Brazilian development model, historically marked by economic and social inequalities with strong territorial overtones.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>健康与发展之间的关系是复杂的,并且处于政治经济学领域,因为它涉及不同的社会,政治,和经济利益。在巴西的情况下,鉴于医疗保健服务在城市网络组织中的核心作用以及对领土时间表和界限的划分,这种关联在领土范围方面特别重要。在理论概念领域,本研究探索了分析健康与发展之间以及健康与领土问题之间关系的分析领域。并分析了统一国家卫生系统(SUS)和联邦投资中的权力下放和区域化政策的历史,这些政策是其空间演变的基础。基于这一概念性综述和经验数据,该研究试图建立健康与发展之间的理论和政治制度联系。因此,其目的是支持就巴西发展模式中的健康新角色面临的挑战进行讨论,该挑战历来以经济和社会不平等为特征,具有强烈的领土色彩。



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