Food safety became a relevant subject due to the increasing search for a better way of life and consciousness of the consumers to stand on one'/> Chemical residues and contaminants in food of animal origin in Brazil: history, legislation and actions of sanitary surveillance and other regulatory systems
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Chemical residues and contaminants in food of animal origin in Brazil: history, legislation and actions of sanitary surveillance and other regulatory systems

Chemical residues and contaminants in food of animal origin in Brazil: history, legislation and actions of sanitary surveillance and other regulatory systems




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Food safety became a relevant subject due to the increasing search for a better way of life and consciousness of the consumers to stand on one's rights to acquire healthy products. The use of substances in animals destined for human consumption requires from pharmacokinetics to residue depletion studies, with the establishment of limitative values so that do not constitute a risk to health. Beyond the substances used deliberately, others coming from environment contamination or contamination of feeding stuffs consumed by these animals may reach human through the diet. The aims of this paper are to collect and discuss the main federal acts covering chemical residues and contaminants in food of animal origin in Brazil, besides those on measures to control veterinary medicinal products and additives for use in animal nutrition. The chronological presentation of the legal basis intends to facilitate the interpretation of the acts inside respective political and economics scenarios. The actions proposed from the different agents involved into the regulatory systems are discussed from the public health point of view.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>由于人们不断寻求更好的生活方式和消费者立足自己的意识,因此食品安全成为一个相关主题。获得健康产品的权利。在用于人类食用的动物中使用这些物质需要从药代动力学到残留物耗竭研究,并建立限制值,以免对健康构成威胁。除了故意使用的物质外,其他来自环境污染或这些动物消耗的饲料的污染也可能通过饮食进入人类。本文的目的是收集和讨论有关巴西动物源性食品中化学残留物和污染物的主要联邦法案,以及有关控制兽用兽药和动物营养添加剂的措施的法案。法律依据的时间顺序表述旨在促进对相应政治和经济情景中的行为的解释。从公共卫生的角度讨论了参与监管体系的不同主体提出的行动。



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