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Ein tekst uttrykt i to medium




A picturebook tells a story combining words and pictures. This specific text of a picturebook is known as iconotext. An audiobook tells a story combining words and sound. As a parallel to iconotext, this article argues for naming the specific text of an audiobook phonotext . This article investigates the semiotic resources of picturebooks and audiobooks by comparing both the picturebook and the audiobook adaption of Johannes Jensen f?ler seg annerledes . The main focus is to explore phonotext as a concept.Artikkelen unders?kjer lydbokas tekstomgrep. Som ein parallell til bildebokas tekstomgrep, ikonotekst, argumenterer artikkelen for ? bruke fonotekst som lydbokas tekstomgrep. Dette vert gjort ved ? unders?kje lydbokas meiningsberande, semiotiske ressursar - tekst og lyd - i lys av bildebokas meiningsberande ressursar. Utgangspunktet for unders?kinga er bildeboka Johannes Jensen f?ler seg annerledes , og lydbokadaptasjonen av same bok.
机译:一本图画书讲述了一个结合单词和图片的故事。图画书的特定文本称为图标文字。有声读物讲述了一个结合单词和声音的故事。与图标文字类似,本文主张命名有声读物语音文字的特定文本。本文通过比较约翰内斯·詹森(Johannes Jensen)感觉不同的图画书和有声书来研究图画书和有声书的符号学资源。本文主要探讨音素文本这一概念,并考察了教科书的文本范围。与图画书的文字概念(图标文字)类似,文章是否主张?使用 phono文本作为有声读物的文本包装器。这个主机做的是?根据图画书的有意义的资源,检查有声书的有意义的符号资源(文本和声音)。研究的出发点是图画书约翰内斯·詹森(Johannes Jensen)感觉与众不同,而有声读物是同一本书的改编本。



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