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Empedobacter brevisBacteremia in a Patient Infected with HIV: Case Report and Review of Literature




Clinical disease caused byEmpedobacter brevis(E. brevis) is very rare. We report the first case ofE. brevisbacteremia in a patient with HIV and review the current literature. A 69-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and CD4 count of 319 presented with chief complaints of black tarry stools, nausea and vomiting for 2 days. Physical exam was significant for abdominal pain on palpation with no rebound or guarding. His total leukocyte count was 32,000 cells/μL with 82% neutrophils and 9% bands. Emergent colonoscopy and endoscopic esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed esophageal candidiasis, a nonbleeding gastric ulcer, and diverticulosis. Blood cultures drawn on days 1, 2, and 3 of hospitalization grewE. brevis. Patient improved with intravenous antibiotics. This case is unusual, raising the possibility of gastrointestinal colonization as a source of the patient’s bacteremia. In conclusion,E. brevisis an emerging pathogen that can cause serious health care associated infections.
机译:由短杆菌Empedobacter(E. brevis)引起的临床疾病非常罕见。我们报告了E的第一例。 HIV感染者的短杆菌血症,并复习当前文献。一名69岁的男子患有人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),CD4计数为319,主要表现为黑色柏油样大便,恶心和呕吐,持续2天。体格检查对触诊时的腹痛无明显反弹或缺乏保护作用。他的白细胞总数为32,000个细胞/μL,中性粒细胞为82%,条带为9%。急诊结肠镜检查和内镜食管胃十二指肠镜检查显示食管念珠菌病,不出血胃溃疡和憩室病。在住院的第1、2和3天抽取的血液培养物生长。布雷维斯。患者静脉注射抗生素改善。这种情况不寻常,增加了胃肠道定植为患者菌血症来源的可能性。总之,E。缩写可能引起严重的医疗保健相关感染的新兴病原体。



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