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Synapse-Selective Control of Cortical Maturation and Plasticity by Parvalbumin-Autonomous Action of SynCAM 1

机译:通过SynCAM 1的小白蛋白-自主作用,突触选择性控制皮质成熟和可塑性。



Cortical plasticity peaks early in life and tapers inadulthood, as exemplified in the primary visual cortex(V1), wherein brief loss of vision in one eyereduces cortical responses to inputs from that eyeduring the critical period but not in adulthood. Thesynaptic locus of cortical plasticity and the cellautonomoussynaptic factors determining criticalperiods remain unclear. We here demonstrate thatthe immunoglobulin protein Synaptic Cell AdhesionMolecule 1 (SynCAM 1/Cadm1) is regulated by visualexperience and limits V1 plasticity. Loss of SynCAM1 selectively reduces the number of thalamocorticalinputs onto parvalbumin (PV+) interneurons, impairingthe maturation of feedforward inhibition in V1.SynCAM 1 acts in PV+ interneurons to activelyrestrict cortical plasticity, and brief PV+-specificknockdown of SynCAM 1 in adult visual cortex restoresjuvenile-like plasticity. These results identifya synapse-specific, cell-autonomous mechanismfor thalamocortical visual circuit maturation andclosure of the visual critical period.
机译:皮质可塑性在生命的早期达到顶峰,并逐渐减少成年期,如主要的视觉皮层(V1)所示,其中,一只眼的短暂视力下降会减少在关键时期皮质对输入的反应,但在成年期则不然。皮质可塑性的突触位点和决定关键时期的细胞自主突触因子仍不清楚。我们在这里证明免疫球蛋白蛋白突触细胞粘附分子1(SynCAM 1 / Cadm1)受视觉体验的调节,并限制了V1的可塑性。 SynCAM1的丧失选择性地减少了输入到小白蛋白(PV +)中枢的丘脑皮质输入的数量,损害了V1前馈抑制的成熟.SynCAM 1在PV +中枢中起作用以主动限制皮层的可塑性,并且在成年的视皮层中短暂的PV +特异性敲除SynCAM 1可以恢复幼稚状。可塑性。这些结果确定了丘脑皮层视觉回路成熟和视觉关键期关闭的突触特异的细胞自治机制。



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