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Effects of selection for cooperation and attention in dogs




Background It has been suggested that the functional similarities in the socio-cognitive behaviour of dogs and humans emerged as a consequence of comparable environmental selection pressures. Here we use a novel approach to account for the facilitating effect of domestication in dogs and reveal that selection for two factors under genetic influence (visual cooperation and focused attention) may have led independently to increased comprehension of human communicational cues. Method In Study 1, we observed the performance of three groups of dogs in utilizing the human pointing gesture in a two-way object choice test. We compared breeds selected to work while visually separated from human partners (N = 30, 21 breeds, clustered as independent worker group), with those selected to work in close cooperation and continuous visual contact with human partners (N = 30, 22 breeds, clustered as cooperative worker group), and with a group of mongrels (N = 30). Secondly, it has been reported that, in dogs, selective breeding to produce an abnormal shortening of the skull is associated with a more pronounced area centralis (location of greatest visual acuity). In Study 2, breeds with high cephalic index and more frontally placed eyes (brachycephalic breeds, N = 25, 14 breeds) were compared with breeds with low cephalic index and laterally placed eyes (dolichocephalic breeds, N = 25, 14 breeds). Results In Study 1, cooperative workers were significantly more successful in utilizing the human pointing gesture than both the independent workers and the mongrels. In study 2, we found that brachycephalic dogs performed significantly better than dolichocephalic breeds. Discussion After controlling for environmental factors, we have provided evidence that at least two independent phenotypic traits with certain genetic variability affect the ability of dogs to rely on human visual cues. This finding should caution researchers against making simple generalizations about the effects of domestication and on dog-wolf differences in the utilization of human visual signals.
机译:背景技术已经提出,由于可比的环境选择压力,在狗和人的社会认知行为中出现了功能相似性。在这里,我们使用一种新颖的方法来解释家养对狗的促进作用,并揭示出在遗传影响下两个因素的选择(视觉合作和集中注意力)可能独立地导致了人类对交流线索的理解。方法在研究1中,我们观察了三组狗在双向对象选择测试中利用人类指向手势的性能。我们比较了在视觉上与人类伴侣分离时选择工作的品种(N = 30,21个品种,作为独立的工人群体聚集),以及与人类伴侣紧密合作并持续视觉接触的品种(N = 30,22个品种,聚集为合作社工人组)和一群小贩(N = 30)。其次,据报道,在犬中,选择性繁殖以产生异常的颅骨缩短与中央区更明显(最大视敏度的位置)有关。在研究2中,将具有高头指数且眼睛正面放置较多的品种(短头颅的品种,N = 25,14个品种)与具有低头指数且侧眼放置的品种(斜头颅的品种,N = 25,14个品种)进行了比较。结果在研究1中,合作工人在利用人类指点手势方面比独立工人和杂种人明显更成功。在研究2中,我们发现短头犬的表现明显优于短头犬。讨论在控制了环境因素之后,我们提供了证据,表明至少两个具有一定遗传变异性的独立表型性状会影响狗依靠人类视觉线索的能力。这一发现应提醒研究人员不要对驯化的影响以及对人类视觉信号利用中狗狼差异的简单概括。



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